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GROGU!!!!YesssMe happy!

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Me happy!

Anyways I hope you like!!!


Chapter 21

-Tommy's POV-

I trudged through the woods on my way back to L'Manberg. The woods were quiet. It was peaceful.

I heard laughter.
And it was Techno???
He... doesn't usually laugh

Techno and the person he was with were coming closer.
Through the trees I could see Techno and... the Parot?
Techno spotted me and waved, beckoning me closer.

"So you want to tell him or should I?" Techno said looking at the Parot.
"Can we wait till we tell Phil. I kinda want to surprise him." The Parot replied grinning ear to ear.
"Ok!" Techno said smiling.

"What the ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ are you talking about?!" I yelled confused.
"You'll find out later!" The Parot said running off.
Techno sighed "Come on. It'll be fun."
I groaned and realized I would have to walk all the way back to Phil's house.

(TIME SKIP: about 3 hours of walking through the woods (brought to you by my lack of inspiration))

Techno dragged the Parot to the door of Phil's house.
It seems the Parot had second thoughts about telling the secret the two had teased him about (Grian and Techno teasing Tommy).

"I'm nervous."
"It'll be fine!" Techno reassured the Parot. "He'll be excited!"
About what?
I sighed. "Hurry Up!"
"Why Tommy? Dying to hear the secret?" Techno teased.
I just sighed again and opened the door.

I stumbled back. "What?! What happened here!?"

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now