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Chapter 6

-Grian's POV-

After flying for a long while he saw a huge obsidian box. It was enormous. He wondered if this was the prison Phil had talked about. He landed on top of it and walked along the edge wondering about it when he heard a voice.

"Hey! Who are you and why are you here?" Shouted what seemed to be a creeper hybrid.
"Oh Hi! Didn't see you there!" I replied with a cheery tone.
"You're not supposed to be up there. And you didn't answer my question." He called back. "I'll need you to come down."
"Ok" I replied as I jumped off the roof and floated down.
The creeper looked like a law enforcer (oh boy it will be hard not to annoy this man) and looked very 'official'.

"Hmm" he huffed as I landed. "Show offs"
I chuckled and grinned while saying "I have a creeper hybrid friend too. He is a master of redstone."
"Is he now? Well can he build this?" Said the creeper gesturing toward the obsidian box.
"What is it exactly?" I asked
"You don't know? Everyone knows! It is my best invention! It is a prison!"

"Really? Your best? I mean Doc traps me all the time. Once he placed buttons all over my base and he knows I can't not press a button. But anyways he trapped me in a puzzle room that took forever!"
"Yeah he does a lot of things and I understand none of it."

"I wonder..." the Creeper thought out loud. "Never mind. What's your name and your purpose for being here?"
"Well my name is Xelqua," I stuck to my watcher name for the same reason I had with Phil. "And I am honestly just exploring."

"Well Xelqua if you're just exploring would you like a look around here or in the prison??"
"Sure" I said.

Note from author!
Me casually having a panic attack

I actually am kinda having one because someone IS READING MY BOOK!!


Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now