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Chapter 13

-Techno's POV-

I pored the sleeping potion into the Parot's mouth in a panic.
Once the Parot had stopped twitching and mumbling I began to calm down.

"Techno!!" Tommy yelled! "He's a Watcher!!"
"Yes!" I said exasperated, "I can see that! Thanks for pointing out the obvious!"

What! The! Hell!
I had the urge to hide the Parot somewhere safe and yet also had the urge to kill him because he's a watcher! (And also just the urge to drop kick him)

I hate emotions they get in the way of everything!

I sighed not knowing what to do. "What are we going to do?" Tommy asks nervously.
"Take him to Phil and see what happens next." I answer still unsure what to do.

I looked up and saw a Listener! "What the hell!" I yell shocked.
The Listener looked around apparently shocked too. Then it teleported away.

-Martyn's POV-

I sighed. I needed help, again.
I was stuck in my Listener form for a while.
I got ready to teleport to Grian to have him help me.

I appeared in a forest. I looked around for Grian. From behind me there was a shout! "What the hell!" A pig hybrid, by the looks of it, yelled startled.

I quickly took in the situation around me. Grian was lying on the ground asleep or unconscious. The pig dude was standing staring at me. And a, what looked like a teen, was also staring in confusion though.

I quickly teleported away, not wanting to be killed.
I wonder what Grian is up to though, hanging around with people that aren't the hermits or empires.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now