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Chapter 29

-Techno's POV-

"Well that was fun." Phil said. "You got lucky today Techno."
"Eh don't care." I say nonchalantly.
"Guys we should get back to getting back to Tommy." Grian says rolling his eyes.
"Alright." I sigh.

We start on the way back.
Once we get out of the stronghold Grian pauses.
"We could make this a lot quicker if Phil and I carry you." Grian says to me.
"Why didn't we do that before!" I say confused.
We could have saved hours of walking.
"Because I can't carry you alone." He said exasperated. Then to Phil: "Can you help me please."
Phil just nods his head and grabs my arm.
"Good." Grian says nodding. "On 3. 1- 2- 3!"

We shoot up into the air.
My legs swing below me because they are holding me by my arms.
"I hate flying." I grumble/whisper so they can't hear me.

(Time lapse of about a hour of flying!)

We land.
Well Grian and Phil land.
I just tumble onto the ground.
I lay there for a moment before I sit up.
"You good?" Grian asks me.
"Yeah I'm fine just tired." I say sighing. "I didn't 'die' like you and Phil and get my energy back."
"Ah yeah." He said kinda sheepishly.
"You coming or not?" Phil asks walking into the house.
"Yup." We both say. Grian heads in and I stand up and follow him inside.

I walk into the house and Tommy is already yelling at Phil about be kidnapped and Grian about running off.
He looks over at me and starts to lecture me too. But I completely ignore him and go to my bedroom.
I flop on the bed and before Tommy can come in and annoy me I fall asleep.

-Grian's POV-
(Time skip of I don't want to bore you with Tommy's lecture)

Tommy yells at me and Phil for about a hour before he grumbles about have to go do something.
I grab his shoulder before he leaves.
"Tommy." I whisper. "I- I have to get back to my world soon. This might be the last I see you for a bit."
"It'll be fine." He says before hesitating. "You will come visit though?"
"Of course." I reply. "I might have a way for you to get to my world if I can get the spell right."
He smiles and says goodbye to me and Phil before he starts his long journey back.


Nearly the last chapter!!!!

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now