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Note: I just posted this and it already has views! Why?!

Chapter 4

-Grian's POV-

The new comer looked very confused as the what was going on but then the pig spoke to them, "Hey Phil, I found someone this evening."

"Yes I see that Techno." the Phil guy responded. I just sat there glaring at the two of them.

"Thought you might want to meet him, he's an avian." The now named pig said.

"Yeah. I just spoke to Tommy. He had said there was another avian on the server. He said he saw them take off from spawn."

Darn it, I thought I was careful and that no one spotted me.  But I guess Tommy was one of the kids and he had spotted me when I flew off. I sat there still glaring at them and wanting very much to leave.

-Phil's POV-

The avian was having a staring with Techno! And he is not intimidated! Was his first thoughts as he entered Techno's house. Another Avian!!!

When Techno broke eye contact he said, "Hey Phil, I found someone this evening."

"Yes I see that Techno." I said barely thinking about what I said. ANOTHER AVIAN!!!!!
And he is glaring at us?
What did Techno do to get him here? He is odiously not happy and doesn't want to be here.

"Thought you might want to meet him, he's an avian." Good job Techno stating the obvious.
But he does look a bit familiar even if he has his mask on.

"Yeah. I just spoke to Tommy. He had said there was another avian on the server. He said he saw them take off from spawn." I said explaining where I went.

Why was the avian wearing a mask? Was he a void-walker and unable to breathe normal air?

He looked like he was staring into space thinking about who knows what.

"Hey, you good??" I asked the avian slightly concerned.
"Hmm? Yeah I'm fine but next time can the pig not hold me by the ankle while I dangle upside down being taken against my will to a place I don't know?" He said relatively seriously.

Turning to Techno I said, "Why Techno?"
"What? it was funny! And he tried to fly away."
"Probably for a reason!"
"What? I wanted to make sure you could meet him!"

Wait where was he? He wasn't on the couch anymore. "Techno where is he?"

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now