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Chapter 5

-Grian's POV-

I chuckled to my self as I flew. It was honestly much easier to escape than I thought it would be. I sighed tho knowing they would go looking for me. Mostly because that Phil guy seems like he hasn't met a lot of other avians. Hmm maybe I'll talk to Phil later if I don't get kidnapped again.

I landed back at the camp I made last night and collected a few things  that I might need. I checked my wings to make sure they were good and able to fly. They had seen better days but hey I was having a bad day. And I took off.

This time I went south and east. This direction would take me over part of an ocean. I landed on a peninsula before heading over the water to make sure everything I had was secure for rough flying.

"I wouldn't head in that direction if I were you." Someone said behind me.
"And that's why?" I replied, making sure I didn't jump. Man these people were sneaky.

I heard the rustling of wings and realized it was Phil. There was a pause then he said, "Dream's prison is in that direction."
Oh interesting.
"Hm" I laughed. "I'll be fine, I've survived worse.
"Really?" He asked surprised.
"Ha yes!" I laughed, "psycho killer bunny hybrids are relatively annoying."

"Killer bunny hybrids??" He asked confused.
"You don't want to know."
There was a pause.
"I never caught your name Parot."
I had a feeling that if I said my real name something bad would happen. So I guess to the name the watchers gave me it is.

"My names Xelqua."
"Hmm" he hummed suspicious of the name.
"Anyways I got to go!" I said quickly "Bye!"

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now