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Chapter 15

-Mumbo's POV-

"Hey Mumbo!" Called a familiar voice from behind me.
"Hey Martyn!" I called to the Listener. "What's up?"
"Nothing much. You?"
I sighed. "Grian is missing. So life's not going to good."
"Oh Yeah! Grian told me to tell you that he is fine. But he's stuck on a different world/universe and can't get out."
"Well... that's good??" I said questioningly
"It isn't the worst the watchers have done to him so it is pretty good. Although last I saw him he was being kidnapped by a pig hybrid so.."

They sat in silence for a few minutes. I sighed "I better go tell the other hermits what you told me."
"Yeah. I have to get going to. Jimmy wants to meet up." Martyn gets up teleports away.

I sigh and put on my elytra and took off. I flew in the general direction of X's base.

I spotted X in his bee costume on one of his hive things. (Just say it's S7 I never told you.) "Hey Mumbo!" He called when he spotted me gliding down. "Any news about Grian yet?"
"Actually yes" I said making X look surprised. "Martyn Just stopped by and told me what happened to him."
"Ok let's head inside and talk." X said leading me inside.

After I recounted what Martyn had told me X looked worried. "I'm not surprised he got trapped on/in a different world/universe. And THEN get kidnapped!"
I chuckled slightly "Yeah that's what Grian does. Get into every mess."

-Techno's POV-

"Grian!!" I called "You're being annoying!"
Grian sticks out his tongue as he runs ahead of me. He uses his small wings to flap into the air and land on a branch high above me. I huff and pout because I can't reach him.

Grian falls. Landing on the ground with a thud. I run up to him worrying. I shake him. He looks dazed, over all ok as well. Except he had a deep cut running from his ear to his chin.

I carried him back to the house. Dad took one look at us and sighed saying "For four year olds you two manage to get into trouble a lot."

Dad took Grian from me and cleaned his wound putting a little bit of potion into it. The wound slowly healed before our eyes leaving behind a small scar. "Ow" Grian said coming out of his daze. "I tripped."
Dad sighed again and told us both to be more careful.


We walked along the ocean side. Tommy was walking behind me. We had left the boats a while back.

I was thinking about the avian I was carrying. We had put his mask back on him but I wanted to study his face again. He-he had a very faint scar running from his ear to his jaw and it reminded me of Grian...

I hope my suspicions about him are right and wrong at the same time.

Tommy said something about being almost there and I broke away from my thoughts.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now