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I had to rewrite this like 4 times.

Italics are thoughts here fyi



-1's POV-

I sigh as I reappear in the Prism Void.
3 and 4 were arguing again.
2 was out doing something. Probably watching another universe.
5 was sitting in a corner watching everything that is happening, still.

"Why are you guys doing this?" I asked the beings that were there. "Do you have to do this again?"
3 and 4 stop their argument for a moment.
"We're just having a conversation." 3 says and goes back to her argument.

I yell over at them. "For some of the most popular beings in the multiverse you think you would be smarter and not argue."
4 glares at me. "Don't you have another world to watch or 'protect'?"
I roll my eyes and scowl at him. "At least I do something in those worlds. At lease I try to influence it to good."
He childishly sticks his tongue out and frowns back at me.
3 scampers away to some other place before 4 can get back to arguing with her.
5 gets up and steps in between me and 4's fight.
"1 just go and watch your worlds." 5 says trying to deescalate the argument.
"Fine." I huff and walk off to a sectioned off area of the Prism Void.

I think back to the world I was just in.
It was different than usual.
Grian is usually more famous.
They also have less access to different places.
Most of the time he isn't related to those people at all.
But it is a good world.
Better than some.
What I know of that world is that his family visits him almost every week, and annoys him to death.
Some things are left untouched in that world like Grian's love life but he won't mind.

My eyes flick to the walls of the Prism Void.
More worlds
I smile.
I'll deal with the other four later.
I look through the different universes to see if I can find an interesting one.

Two catch my eye.
A one where there are super heroes.
And one with more long lost family.
This will be interesting.


K like I said I had to rewrite it like 4 times but I still didn't get what I really wanted but it's fine.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now