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Chapter 22

-Phil's POV-
(4 hours earlier)
(At his house)

I felt something.
It was cold.
I shivered feeling a presence behind me.
"Who are you?!" I yelled nervously. "What do you want?!"
Laughter. Then: "We want your son to return to us."
"Techno? Tommy?"
"No." the being laughed, "Grian."
"G-Grian? He's alive?!"
More laughter.
Then pain.
Then it all went dark.

(Back to the present!)

I woke up.
Everything hurt.
My wings were sore from lying on them.

"Ah you're awake. Good." A voice said from the other side of the room. It was a watcher.
It stood up and grinned at me.
"Did you know that Lady Death wasn't happy when we took her and your son?
She was mad for a time. But after we established that every time she or her minions killed a watcher we would tournament him (*cough* S@m *cough*)."
"Where is he?!" I said panicking. If Grian was alive... I could save him!
"Currently none of your concern . But he is trying to save you." The watcher laughed. "He won't get too far though. He may be powerful but we have numbers.


Sorry for short chapter
I will for sure not be able to post tomorrow sorry

lol more cliffhangers

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now