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Chapter 23

-Grian's POV-

There was blood.
There were also feathers everywhere.
I saw it!
A purple feather.

I stormed out of the house.
"No!" I screamed into the night. "Why! I just found them! Why!"
Dumb Watchers!
I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be ok Grian."
"No. No it won't." I said starting to cry.
"We'll find him." Techno said hugging me.
"No. They'll kill him before we do." I said leaning onto him.
"Th-the Watchers" I replied trying to calm down but failing.

-Techno's POV-

Grian fell asleep in my arms as I tried to comfort him.
He had told me about his past with the Watchers and how much he hated them even before he knew that they took him away from his family (us).
"Tommy, let me get Grian inside then I will explain." I said while picking Grian up.
"You better!" He said, then more tentatively: "I-is this OUR Grian."
"Yes." I said plain and simple.
Tommy stared at me as if I had grown 2 heads. "What!" He yelled.
"Shhh you'll wake him up."
He grumbled as we walked into the house.

(TIME SKIP (Brought to you by: Me being Lazy!!))
(Also after explaining to Tommy)

I had my head in my hands thinking about how to rescue Phil.
Could I?
Probably not.
Would it get me, Tommy or Grian killed?
Most likely yes.
I sighed. Once Grian wakes up we will make a plan. He knows the Watchers better than me or Tommy.

Grian turned over on my bed where I had put him. He began tossing and turning. I worried about him not knowing if I should wake him up to get him out of whatever dream he is having.
Suddenly he sat up. He was breathing heavily and sweating. He stood up, he had on a very angry and determined face. I ran after him and grabbed his arm.
"Grian. Where are you going?"
"To kill Them." He said his hatred for the Watcher seeping into his words.

"Bring me with you. I can help you and protect Dad when you are fighting the other Watchers." I said trying to get him to at least let me help.
He hesitated for a moment. "Ok."
I let out a breath of relief. "Tommy is not going to be happy we left him behind."

I was not kidding when I said I was not going to post yesterday.


Do y'all like fluff cause I am not sure if I should do more

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now