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Chapter 19

-Techno's POV-

I trudged through the damp forest. The compass was pointing this way that's for sure.
As I came into a clearing I saw a cave.

As I walked forward I noticed there was a piece of paper at the entrance.
I sighed. The tracker was on top of the paper.

I stooped down and picked them up.
The paper said: 'You lost this! :)'
There was also an arrow pointing into the cave.

I huffed as I walked into the cave carefully. I kept an eye out for traps or holes that I might fall into.
As I went deeper into the cave my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness.

The cave was a maze. But there were pieces of paper on the floor in a trail.
I followed it knowing the Parot wanted me to find him.
As I turned a corner the papers stoped. It was a dead end.
I studied the end of the tunnel. Hidden in a corner there was a button!

"Haha!" I said when I pressed it.
There was a grinding noise as pistons struggled to open a door on the opposite side.
There was a faint: "Come on!! It worked when I was testing it."
I snickered a little.
"Well that's anticlimactic." The Parot said breaking through the door. "Ah well, that sucked."


Sorry for not posting yesterday
And for the short chapter

I totally didn't get distracted and read for 7 hours straight...

I have planed out the end of this book but still have to create details and write the chapters
I estimate I might have 10 more chapters

Possibly more so don't worry

I also need to work on planing What Is Hidden From View
It will most likely be a very long book...

I hope you liked this chapter and that I can get better at writing!!

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now