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Chapter 26

-Phil's POV-

I opened my eyes.
I was in the Void.
That wasn't too strange.
But why am I in the void?

"Hello Dear."
"Kristin!" I said smiling at my wife. "How are you?"
"Phil!" She said exasperated. "You need to NOT get into any more life threatening situations that nearly kill you."
"But I get to see you." I said innocently.
"You'll be better the death of me."
"But you are Death." I said jokingly.
She sighed and I kissed her forehead.

We talked for a bit. Catching up.
Then there was a sharp pain in my chest.

"Ow." I said.
"That's not good." Kristin said worried. She spaced out for a moment. "Ah. You were just stabbed in the chest. In the mortal realm of course."
"That makes sense."
She sighed again. "Even though you can't die you sure try hard to."
I chuckled. "Yeah. Trouble just seems to fallow me."
"I guess it runs in the family." She chuckled as well.

"Ow." I said again and something burned my mortal body. "That hurts."
After a minute I recovered and looked around.
The Parot had appeared while I was burned.
Why was he here?

-Kristin's POV-

Grian was here!
I haven't seen Grian in a few years.
I smiled at him.
Phil groaned and stood up from where he had fell from something affecting his mortal body.
He looked around and spotted Grian a confused expression on his face.
"What's he doing here?" He asked confused.
Grian groaned and stood up. Noticing me and Phil immediately he bowed.
"Lady Death." Then more hesitantly he said. "Mother."

Ok guys Ik your mad
You can't kill me!
I found a loophole!
If you kill me you won't get more chapters sooo...

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now