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Chapter 7

-Sam's POV-

Hmm that name Xelqua, sounded familiar. He would look into it in a moment but he wanted to get back inside because it was cold.

Once he and Xelqua were both inside he excused himself for a moment to look up the name of his guest.

Oh S ⍑╎ℸ ̣! He thought as he read!
He read: Xelqua is a parot hybrid who is a deadly assassin and has most powers of admins! WARNING: Do not attempt to attack this person he will kill you!
S ⍑╎ℸ ̣!

Thinking quickly he thought, hey why not put him in Dream's cell during the tour around. If it can hold a psycho Admin it should hold an assassin with only partial admin powers. He just has to unarm him.

Nervously he walked back out trying to be casual. When Xelqua noticed he was back he commented on the inside of the prison "This place is horribly decorated."
Smiling slightly but nervously he replied, "Yeah most of the budget went into the obsidian walls."

-Grian's POV-

As the creeper was showing off the prison he realized he never got his name so he asked, "What's your name? I never caught it."
"It's Sam," he said maybe a little nervously.
I flinched at the name and Sam noticed but didn't comment on it.
"So anyway," I said brushing it off, "Where to next?"

Sam explained that the most dangerous prisoners were at the center of the prison in a small obsidian box covered in layers of lava. And the only way in was on a flying machine to the center. We walked toward a waterfall of lava that was glowing a bright orange and made the air warm.

"Ok so I have to deactivate the lava wall." Sam said, "I need you to put your stuff in that chest to make sure  the prisoner doesn't escape."

"Ok, I need to keep my mask though." I replied wondering what that prisoner did to get in this prison.

"That's fine." Sam says.

Once the lava had cleared and the flying machine was ready he hoped on. He turned around to see Sam flicking some levers and thought nothing of it. That was until the flying machine started moving. He reacted too late. It was too far to jump and if he tried to fly he would burn his wings in the lava.

I noticed it then the fear in the creeper's eyes. "Why?" I asked.
"Wer- Aren't you an Assassin?" He said questioning.
"I- I regret it because magic and illusions are my downfall when it comes to friends and my family." I sighed.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now