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Holy smokes another one!

Chapter 25

-Grian's POV-

I teleported me and Techno into the Watcher fortress.
It was... different than I remember.
But it was still the same.
Same ugly purple walls. Same maze of corridors.
And I hate it.

I took Techno to where prisoners were usually kept.
No guards.
Probably waiting to get us once we rescue Phil.

We snuck through the rows of cells.
There were a few prisoners but not too many.
I looked in the last cell.
He wasn't there.
ᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣

Carefully I stretched my mind out looking for Phil.
I hadn't done this earlier to make sure we weren't caught.
"Found him" I told Techno. "East wing. My-my old room."
ᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣

We walked/ran over to my old room.
We were met by at least a dozen rank 3 Watchers. Powerful but not as powerful as powerful as me.
"Xelqua." My old roommate sneered.
"Xandar." I replied. "You're only a rank 3. Why I thought you be at least a rank 2 with how often you kill players."
He frowned at that. I smirked. "Cuff him." He said to the other Watchers.
"Aww scared?" I said trying to get him to attack me.
He lunged forward grabbing at me.
I side stepped him and walked him on the head knocking him to the ground.
"Is that all you got?" I taunted. I also told Techno to try to sneak around the Watchers to get to Phil.

I fought Xandar. And easily knocked him out. Honestly has he not been practicing?
I glared at the other Watchers and started attacking them.
I easily killed about 9 of them but then reinforcements arrived.
Now there were about 50 of them.

I was able to kill a few more before they pinned me.
ᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣
They dragged me into the room.
Lying on the floor were Phil and Techno.
There must have been a few Watchers in here waiting just in case we snuck in.
ᓭ⍑╎ℸ ̣

"Ah hello Xelqua. Here to save your Father?" The head watcher said smiling eerily.
"Xerox. I will kill you." I said letting all my hatred for them show.
"Sadly that is incorrect. And now We will execute you."
Xerox walked over next to Phil and Techno. "Hmm who should we kill first. The father or the Twin."
I stared at him. I am not going to let them kill anyone ever again.
"Hm let's go with the father." Xerox said drawing his sword.
"No!" I said trying to get free to stop him.
Xerox laughed as he plunged his sword into Phil's heart.

I screamed. Something inside me broke and everything exploded.
Then it went dark.


I'm in danger

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now