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I love Roman numerals!

Chapter 10

-Mumbo's POV-

Grian has been gone for 5 days now. I sighed and walked over to his base. I miss him a lot.
I look over his base again walking through the mansion halls. He still hasn't finished the back of it yet, again.

As I walked back into the main hall again I was thinking about how it was my fault Grian was gone. Why and how does everything happen to him when he is alone.

-Sam's POV-

I have a bad feeling about this morning. I walked up to the security desk and checked the cameras.

WHAT!!! He's gone!!!
I rolled back the camera footage. Nothing! It was deleted!
Of course it was deleted.

"Bad!" I yell over the communicator, "A assassin just escaped Pandora's Vault!"
"What!?!" Yelled Bad over the static.
"Just get here quick!" I yelled back.

-Grian's POV-

After I had teleported away last night I had made a small campsite. I have no idea where I am except that I am near a town.

I was being very sneaky. Then I went into a small alleyway. I hid for a bit using a little magic to make sure I was invisible. And I did it just in time! Someone crept into the alley .

"What is it Techno?" The kid said, "Your never here this early in the day."
"It's about Phil" a voice beside me said as an invisibility potion wore off them. "I think he fainted during his nightly flight and had the Nightmare about Grian, again."

Wait ME?!? How did they know my real name? I never told them!

"How is he?" The kid asked looking worried.
"He's better," Techno said, "but the nightmares started after you told him about that avian and after I found said avian and after Phil met said avian."

Wait! What did I do?

"You think that Avian who ever he is caused this to happen?"
"I don't know. I think meeting another Avian reminded Phil of Grian."

And there my name again! Maybe it's another Grian? I have never met this Phil before this week!

"Ok." Sighed the kid, "I got to get back to Tuboo and Ranboo or they'll get suspicious."
"Ok. And if you see the Avian get him to talk." Techno said.

Carefully and quietly I flew up out of the ally. I landed on the roof of a building above the ally and made myself no longer invisible. And sat on the edge of the roof. "Talk about what?" I called down.
"S ⍑╎ℸ ̣!" Techno yelled jumping about a foot in the air.
"Language!" I yelled back laughing.

I have a one shot for later!!
Be happy!!
Also I won't blame you if you don't read it but it is Cannon with this story just a long time after!

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now