02 | Fight Night

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"Bitch quit playing with me

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"Bitch quit playing with me. What make you think you above any other bitch in here? 'Cause you get to suck dick? Is you crazy?" Judah held Renee's bloody and bruised face in his left hand, digging the tips of his fingers into her jaw.

"S-she wasn't l-liste-,"

"I don't give a fuck! I said don't touch her!" His naturally raspy voice bellowed through the foyer of the house, and he hit her in her mouth so hard that the sound of her teeth cracking could be heard by everyone in the nearby proximity.

Her body dropped as blood poured from her mouth, and Judah stood back up, shaking his fist. He was so mad, he felt like killing her. He wanted so badly to rip her head from off of her neck but it wouldn't make anything better. It would probably aggravate him further.

"Get this bitch to medical and get this blood off my fucking floor." He stepped over her body, saying the same line he probably repeated everyday.

"Yes sir." The crowd of girls, most of them naked, dispersed amongst themselves to do as told, and others just moved out of his way so that they wouldn't be his next victim. They didn't want to end up like Renee.

He jogged up the spiral glass staircase, making it to the second floor of the house. Just as approached the room with the number 19 displayed on it, two older women walked out.

"She wouldn't let us help boss. We tried." The eldest, Karina, who was 29, told him.

"It's good. Watch out." He gestured with his head after taking the first aid kit from her hands, and they moved to the side, walking past him.

Judah walked into the bedroom designated for Kianna, closing the door behind him. He also twisted the lock even though he was sure nobody would attempt to come in, especially knowing that he was inside.

He could see Kianna in the corner of the room with zip ties still around her wrists and ankles. Her face was red as if she'd been crying, her bottom lip was busted and swollen, there was dried up blood dripping from her nose, and there was a deep cut underneath her left eye.

Renee didn't even know what she had coming for doing this. A bitch who he wouldn't even consider a woman because she dehumanized her damn self, thought she was his right hand man or something-he didn't know what she thought, really. She was clearly delusional.

"Quit fucking moving before I make you bleed worse than she did." He grabbed her head to turn it back in his direction, listening to her sniff quietly in response.

He used baby sensitive wet wipes to clean the blood from her face, and her eyes remained low so that she didn't have to look at him. She couldn't recall ever being afraid of anyone besides her high school basketball coach, so the fact that she was genuinely frightened by Judah was saying something.

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