33 | Back Again

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"I love you too mama

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"I love you too mama. Thank you." Kianna mumbled, returning Maria's hug. She put herself back underneath her covers when the door to her bedroom shut, and moments later, she could hear her security system announce that Maria left the house.

On the dresser sat a styrofoam plate of breakfast food that Maria dropped off; fluffy French toast with powdered sugar, mini smoked sausage links and sausage patties, bacon, cheesy eggs, thick grits, and a side plastic container of fruit. There was also two bottles of cold apple juice next to it.

She could read the room and tell that Kianna wanted to be alone, but she still wanted to make sure that Kianna stayed fed, especially since she was eating for two now. That's why Maria came three times a day to bring her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She didn't play.

Anyway, Kianna decided that she might as well eat it since she skipped dinner last night. She'd been too busy crying to warm up the plate that Maria brought.

It had been three days and she hadn't heard anything from Judah, Matteo, or even Judah's attorney, Andre. She hated not knowing what was going on. It only made her stress levels rise higher.

She was even more stressed than usual because she was sure that the last call she had with Judah ended with him being mad at her; and she knew that when he found out that she agreed to Matteo's request, he'd be even more upset. That would have to be dealt with at a later date though. Her current concern was getting him home.

The decision to do what Matteo said seemed like the only one she could make where all parties could walk away happy or at least satisfied. There was no way she'd raise her daughter without the man she made her with, and she refused to do life without him at her side. So, there was no other option to choose from.

She just hoped he wasn't too mad. She honestly felt like her decision was in their best interest at the moment. She would never go against him just for the hell of it.

Thinking about what happened made her start crying all over again.

It was only one thing that she one hundred percent hated about being pregnant-literally anything could make her cry; and when it was something genuinely saddening, she'd bawl like a baby for hours. She was so tired of doing this every single day.

Her cries halted momentarily when the phone on the dresser started to ring, making her grab it off the hook to put it up against her ear.

"I'm sorry to bother you ma'am, but I think you need to see this." One of the security guards that kept watch outside of the house said once she answered.

"Ok. I'm coming." She sniffed quietly to herself before ending the call. Then, she crawled out of bed and headed downstairs in her pajamas.

Her slippers slid against the ground as she walked, purposely refusing to pick her feet up. She was quite literally sulking.

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