03 | Almost Home

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"Come in

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"Come in." Judah turned his gaze away from the TV once a knock came to the door. It slowly opened, and a girl named Ashley walked in, pushing a cart inside the bedroom with breakfast plated on top of it.

"You want me to leave it here?" She asked, standing on the side of the bed that Kianna slept on.

"Yeah. Hand me a plate." He leaned up from the bed, then sat back against the pillows when she did as told. She gave him a water bottle too, and then dismissed herself, locking the bedroom door.

Judah stuck a piece of turkey bacon in his mouth as he put his attention back on John Wick that was playing on the TV, coincidentally at the same time that Kianna began to twist in her sleep.

She was currently curled up on the side of him, tucked underneath the covers with just her underclothes on. She hadn't woken up since she'd passed out late yesterday afternoon, but of course he checked on her throughout the night. It was now almost seven in the morning.

When Kianna realized that she was holding on to him, she immediately let him go and pushed herself away from him, clutching the covers to her chest.

She stared at him as he purposely ignored her, keeping his eyes on the TV. It was mostly dark in the room, and the only light visible was coming from the movie he was watching. How dare he put her in bed with him after knocking her out? He was a maniac.

"Yo' toothbrush in the bathroom. Go clean up and get back in the bed when you done." He pointed to the bathroom that was on his side of the bedroom.

"Now Kianna." He made sure to not raise his voice, doing a gesture with his head to make her move faster.

"I don't have any clothes on." She mumbled, clearly not comfortable with being damn near naked around him.

"I ain't ask. Go do what I said." He scooped some eggs up with his spoon, and she sighed under her breath before standing up. She didn't even bother to cover herself because her butt was so big, there was no point. The thongs she wore didn't make things any better either.

The toothbrush she used yesterday was laying on the counter in the tube it came with, and there was a fresh face towel and a small bottle of cetaphil there as well.

When she looked at her reflection in the mirror, it seemed as if her face had already been cleaned. There was no blood there and she knew for a fact she was leaking yesterday. The swelling in her lip had gone down, but now her jaw was a bit swollen. It hurt badly too.

She gently washed her face with the cetaphil wash and a towel, and followed up with brushing her teeth. The last thing she did was moisturize her face and her lips with the jar of Vaseline on the countertop.

Then she walked in the bedroom and got back in the bed like he told her to do. She made sure to sit as far away from him as possible though.

"Get yo' plate off that cart and eat somethin'." He instructed, and Kianna looked over at the plate sitting on the metal cart a few feet away.

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