30 | Puzzle Pieces

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"Move Kianna

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"Move Kianna." Judah's voice rasped with drowsiness, keeping his eyes closed and his face buried into the cleavage of Kianna's chest.

"Say I'm yo' mommy and I might." She recorded him on her phone in 0.5x, letting out a laugh when he smacked his lips, pushing her hand out of his face.

"What, I ain't yo' mama? Why you was just sucking my ti-,"

"Kianna, get on man. Go to bed." Judah frowned at her flashlight before reaching up to push her phone out of his face for the second time.

"Oh, nowww you tired. I just put this pussy on you and now it's buenas noches, huh papi?" She tilted his head up, laughing again when a smile broke out on his face, replacing his frown.

"Better shut that shit up 'for I nail yo' ass to this mattress. Go to fuckin' sleep." He put his face in its prior place against her chest, and then Kianna pulled her phone back to get both of them in the frame, recording him repeatedly kissing her chest.

Kianna chuckled quietly to herself as the video ended, bringing her hand up to her face to wipe away the tears that trickled down her puffy red cheeks. It seemed like her whole face was mildly swollen; she couldn't stop crying for the life of her.

This was by far the hardest thing she ever had to deal with; even harder than being kidnapped and literally beat on for days by a raging crackhead.

She missed her man so much. She would give every dollar she had to be in his arms again. The last week had been really rough on her, and being with him would fix everything.

On top of having to deal with her soulmate being locked up and banned from phone usage, morning sickness from her unborn daughter had been kicking her ass. The prenatal vitamins weren't helping, eating more and even eating less wasn't helping, drinking water-nothing. She was so fed up at this point.

Then, her back was literally killing her. Judah usually rubbed it every night before bed because the weight of her stomach was so heavy on her lower back, but he wasn't here, so she was dealing with it on her own-and obviously she wasn't able to give herself a back massage.

Everything was just so aggravating in this moment.

Her attention went back to her phone when it dinged with a message from Amina, asking was she okay and if she needed anything.

Two days ago, Kianna asked her if she could go home because she wanted to be by herself for a few days. As mentioned before, she was so aggravated with everything and she didn't want to take her frustrations out on her best friend, or anyone else, for that matter.

Speaking of anyone else, nobody besides Maria and Abel had been back to the house to check on her-which she was slightly thankful for. Elijah was still detained at the same jail as Judah and Shelly, but Kianna hadn't heard anything from Rico or Traydon in the last four days.

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