07 | Tasteful Triumph

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"I'ma be watching out for you but if somebody fuck wit' you or make you uncomfortable, come get me aight? I'm not playing

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"I'ma be watching out for you but if somebody fuck wit' you or make you uncomfortable, come get me aight? I'm not playing. If a mufucka' even bump yo' shoulder, tell me. You understand me?" Judah held Kianna's neck in his hand, staring down at her.

"Yesss sirrrr. Can I please go, sir? Is that okay, sir?" She spoke sarcastically with fake enthusiasm in her voice, pulling on his muscular arm so that he could let her go.

"Be careful." He kissed her forehead, and she rolled her eyes with a smile once she was let go.

Judah was treating her like a kid going to their first day of school, when really she was just in the backyard of the 'whore' house where a party was being held-the same party that he was literally hosting.

He was so dramatic. He even had guards standing near where she would be, and he had a sniper on the roof and one in the back field watching her every move to make sure she was safe at all times.

She didn't understand why he would even invite people who could potentially pose a threat to her or any of the other women here though. If he would've invited good people, there'd be no reason for the extra security, but whatever.

"I was starting to think he wouldn't let you come back." Amina chuckled, removing her leg from the seat by the pool that she'd been saving for Kianna.

Although Judah advised against it, Kianna convinced him to let Amina and her arm sling come to the house this morning to spend some time with her. She would be leaving for Wisconsin soon to be with her parents, and Kianna didn't want her to go without saying goodbye.

It was Kianna's idea for her to go to Wisconsin because she wanted to make sure that Judah couldn't hurt Amina again as some type of leverage. She would be out of his reach there. Eventually Kianna would fly out there as well, but she knew that Judah had people watching her all of the time so it was safer to send her best friend first.

They still hadn't planned out the details for Kianna's escape, but she and Judah had grown a bit closer over the last week and she suspected that soon enough she wouldn't even have to plan to leave. He'd let her have her freedom back within due time.

"Nah deadass though. He's so obsessed with you. It's kinda cute." A girl named Kara, who they'd been talking with for the last hour, gestured discreetly at Judah who was still watching Kianna.

"No, it's creepy. That man would literally glue his eyes to my back if he could." Kianna tilted her head back to take a Jell-O shot, doing the same with a second one.

"Well that ass is as big as a mountain back there." Amina shrugged her shoulders, earning a laugh from both girls.

"Yo he be wanting to touch it so bad. He knows he can't though so he just be staring. I'll fart on that nigga forehead on my soul." Kianna could barely get her words out before they all laughed again.

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