26 | Matteo Luciano

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Kianna used her spoon to break through a thick chunk of frozen cornstarch, and then she used it to lift a small piece to her mouth, allowing her teeth to crunch through it before swallowing the crushed contents

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Kianna used her spoon to break through a thick chunk of frozen cornstarch, and then she used it to lift a small piece to her mouth, allowing her teeth to crunch through it before swallowing the crushed contents.

In front of her sat two large bags of weed, a brick of cocaine, crystallized meth, and crushed heroin powder that was being cooked on a hot plate. Renee and two other women she didn't know also sat in front of her, testing out small amounts of the aforementioned drugs.

These women were like hound dogs with the drugs being their fresh meat; they were literally drooling at the mouth over the products. Their excitement was genuinely shocking to Kianna. She was just about to go back up to Judah's office a few minutes ago, but decided to say because the view in front of her was low key interesting.

"Does that hurt?" Kianna asked Renee, watching her shoot a syringe full of 'cooked' heroin into her left arm.

"N-n-no." She stuttered quietly as her eyes began to daze back, enjoying the feeling that instantly ran through her body.

"You must be thinking 'bout trying it." Traydon prepared a line of crack cocaine for one of the other women, glancing over at Kianna.

"Boy you must already be on that shit and out of your mind." She said back, and Judah chuckled from behind her at how quick her rebuttal was.

"Well gotfuckingdamn, excuse me. I was just asking." He purposely rolled his eyes as hard as he could, and she smiled, waving him off.

Judah shook his head at the both of them, sitting another stack of cash down in his money counter. He had counted 2.1 million so far, and he was close to being done by now. This money had come from a senator in Idaho who bought illegal documents from Judah, which he'd acquired from an undercover CIA agent years ago. He hadn't had a reason to touch the papers since they landed in his possession.

He was currently in the process of getting rid of everything that meant nothing to him, but meant a whole lot to others. People were coming forward to pay top dollar for shit he literally couldn't care any less about; but it put money in his pockets, so whatever.

"Baby, is she okay?" Kianna grabbed his attention, nudging him to look towards one of the women who had just inhaled three lines of the cocaine prepared by Traydon, who was now in the back of the drug station, talking to one of the men who was bagging product.

"Yo, Alex, you good?" He asked, realizing that she hadn't lifted her head up from the table in a good little minute. When she didn't respond, Judah tapped Kianna to get out of his lap.

She watched him walk over to Alex who was sitting on the floor, and when he lifted her head, they could see all of the blood leaking from her nose and her eyes were stuck to where only the white part showed-unable to see her pupils at all.

"Oh shit." Judah put his arms underneath hers to raise her up onto the couch, turning her to be on her side as a foam substance began to pool out of her mouth.

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