04 | Kill or be Killed

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"Yeah, this him

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"Yeah, this him. Who took 'em out?" Judah stared down at the dead body that had just been pulled out of the freezer, focusing mostly on the gunshot wound in his forehead.

"Ace. He said this nigga been walking past her apartment every day since she left, and tried to break in as soon as she made it back this morning." Shelly stood on the side of him, facing the opposite direction because of his weak stomach.

"Hm. Should've let his ass kill 'er since she wanna be so fucking hardheaded." Judah gestured for the mortician to put the body away before leading the way out of the morgue.

"Youn mean that." Shelly chuckled.

"Shut yo' ass up. You don't know what the fuck I mean." He waved him off as they stepped on the elevator together, making Shelly laugh.

"So what you 'bouta do? Go get her?"

"I got to before the rest of these niggas find out she back home. I literally told her dumbass that it's a bag on her head. It's like she tryna die on purpose." Judah shook his head, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"You told her what this all about?" Shelly asked.

"Nah. I mean, I told her it had something to do with her pops, but that was about it." He shrugged, dialing the iCloud account to her iPad since he knew she didn't have her phone.

"Good luck nigga." Shelly dapped him up with a smile when they made it to the parking garage, and he chuckled in response as he returned it.

"Yo, I need two on me." Judah gestured for two armed guards to follow him while ending the call after it didn't go through.

"Shorty ass dumb as shit, man." He muttered to himself as he got in the backseat of a blacked out Escalade truck, the two guards taking the front.

"Where to, boss?"

"124 Conch Street." He responded, putting his phone to his ear after dialing her iCloud for the second time.

That call didn't go through either, and he sucked his teeth as he listened to the automated voicemail message. He didn't bother to call again because she only stayed six minutes away from his building so he'd be seeing her in no time.

The security at the women's house alerted him of her disappearance about an hour ago, and he was definitely pissed when he found out, but he calmed down over time. There was no point in being upset because he would be taking her again either way.

He was trying to decide on whether or not he'd discipline her though. He told himself that he wouldn't put his hands on her again but she made it so hard. She didn't listen to him no matter what consequences she faced so it was time to take it up a notch.

Ten minutes later, Judah lifted his foot to kick the hallow area of Amina's door to force it open. It only took one kick, and he could hear the both of them scream simultaneously in fear and surprise, currently sitting on the couch together.

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