25 | Happily Ever After?

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Judah gently rubbed cold healing ointment over the stitch indentations of Kianna's stomach wound while she remained asleep in the bed, and when he was done, he put a new bandage over it which would help make sure it didn't become infected

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Judah gently rubbed cold healing ointment over the stitch indentations of Kianna's stomach wound while she remained asleep in the bed, and when he was done, he put a new bandage over it which would help make sure it didn't become infected.

It had been about three weeks since the incident, and she got her stitches removed a week ago, but was told to still apply the ointment until the flesh wound matched her skin color. It was still red, so Judah applied it for her every morning since he woke up first.

Anyway, today was Saturday, and it was now approaching noon, and Kianna had yet to wake up. They didn't go to bed until around three this morning because they decided to stay up and binge watch the last season of Scandal together. It didn't matter what time Judah went to bed though, his body would still wake him up before ten o'clock.

Usually he would let her sleep in because he had to take care of business, but since he was getting most of his territory and inventory sold, business was slowing all the way down. And now, here he was, bored out of his mind. He wanted her to be up with him so that they could find something to do.

"Get out of my face Judah." Kianna tiredly mumbled, turning her head to the side to stop him from kissing her.

"It's time to get out the bed. Wake up." He playfully nibbled on her jaw, smiling when she reached up to grab his face, stopping him again.

"I'm still sleepy. Wake me up in like an hour.." She turned to lay on her stomach, resting her head on her folded arms.

Apparently that wasn't comfortable enough because she then turned to lay on her side, lifting her leg to be over his pelvis. She wrapped her arm around his torso, and Judah smiled when she pulled herself up so that she laid directly on top of him.

He rubbed his hand down her back and her waist, putting her back to sleep within minutes.

Unfortunately for him though, he was still very bored. Since Kianna wanted to sleep in longer, he just grabbed his controller off of the nightstand to occupy himself with Grand Theft Auto V until she was ready to get up.

He continued to rub on her body in the midst of playing his game, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin under his fingertips. He would occasionally kiss her face, too. He couldn't keep his lips off of her for too long, whether they were asleep or awake. He loved her too much for that.

Judah didn't realize until he got with her that physical affection was his love language. He never loved a woman outside of his family before, so he never really got the chance to explore that side of himself. Learning to love Kinna somehow made him learn a lot of things about himself as well, which ultimately bettered him as a person; a man, and as a lover.

He couldn't thank her enough for how she put up with him, and he still didn't know why she chose to. So many things had her close to leaving him, and yet, they were still together 'til this day. She could have the world from him for sticking around when she didn't have to.

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