12 | The Truth

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Kianna sat up in the bed, holding a hot towel against her middle area to help with the redness and swelling

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Kianna sat up in the bed, holding a hot towel against her middle area to help with the redness and swelling. She was so sore all over, but she couldn't say she regretted anything from the last few hours. In fact, she'd do it all over again with no hesitation.

Their first round of sex happened at around nine last night, and her boyfriend didn't get done with her until three in the morning. They went to sleep for about two hours, then Judah woke her up again for a few more rounds.

She ended up being put to sleep for the second time, only for him to wake her up around six to ask if he could give her head. He finished a few minutes ago and was now playing Grand Theft Auto V on his PlayStation 5 while she was trying to figure out how to breathe correctly again.

"Baby," She called, and he turned his head around to look at her, currently sitting in his gaming chair.

"Go get me something to drink, please." She requested, making him pull his headphones off to go do as told.

Kianna heard the doorbell ring coincidentally at the same time that he walked out, and she just hoped that he had ordered them breakfast because she could definitely go for some food right now. If that was the case, hopefully Judah would let her go back to sleep after she ate and actually let her stay asleep this time.

She leaned against the headboard and closed her legs to keep the towel in place against her lower set of lips. Taking the scrunchie off of her wrist, Kianna wrapped her hair up into a messy bun to get it out of her face.

Judah came back into the bedroom a few moments later, now carrying two bottles of Simply Strawberry Lemonade and a bag containing two styrofoam containers of food.

Kianna opened the plate that was passed to her, seeing two breakfast burritos, a small cup of mild dipping sauce, and two mandarin oranges inside.

"Do you ever get tired?" She asked, reaching up to grab his head as he repeatedly kissed her collarbone.

"Of you? Nah." He stood back upright, and she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Here. Take these before you eat." Judah reached in a second bag, passing her two Plan B emergency contraceptive pills.

"Mr. I'ma Pull Out." She rolled her neck at him as she opened up one of the packages, listening to him laugh in response.

"I tried. That pussy was holding me too tight, wouldn't let me." He shrugged, sitting down next to her. "What you think about getting on birth control though?" He added.

"I'm not. So you need to make sure you pull out or wear a condom."

"Damn mama it's like that?"

"Yes. 'Cause the last time I was on birth control I gained hella weight, I was overly emotional, and it made my period super heavy and irregular. I'm not getting back on it." She popped both Plan B's in her mouth, washing it down with the strawberry lemonade.

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