10 | Woof Woof

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"Get all four of 'em

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"Get all four of 'em. You ain't gotta choose." Judah said, watching Kianna's eyes dart between four different shades of blue Chanel purses.

"Really?" She turned her head to look at him, and he nodded.

"Get that pink one too." He said, and just as she was about to object, he added, "I don't care about you not liking pink. Get it."

Kianna rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as she grabbed the pink one off of the display shelf, passing it to the employee who stood next to them. He wanted her to wear girly stuff so bad. Luckily, the purse style was cute no matter the color it came in.

"That's it." She told Judah, and he grabbed her hand to lead her to the checkout counter.

"They got shoes and shit. You don't want nothin' else?" He looked down at her while pulling his wallet out, and she shook her head.

"Thank you." She said at the same time that he tapped his black metal American Express card on the reader machine.

Judah leaned down to kiss her cheek in response, and she smiled as he kept kissing her instead of just leaving a single kiss, as always. Ever since the first kiss they shared at the pool, Judah hadn't been able to keep his lips off of her.

She didn't mind it at all.

"Yo, East. Wassup cuz?" A deep voice said from the entrance of the store, and Kianna took notice of how he immediately shielded her body, keeping his hand intertwined with hers while the other went to his waistband.

"Wassup G. Keep it movin'. I got my girl with me." He gestured with his head to a younger boy who appeared to be no older than 20, and Kianna watched as the boy did as told.

Judah let go of his gun but kept her hand in his, taking his receipt and the Chanel bags from the counter clerk. He didn't even acknowledge what had just happened, as if that was just a regular occurrence.

"You just that nigga huh?" She looked up at him, and for a moment, confusion filled his expression, then seconds later his mug turned into a smile.

"I already hate when niggas approach me like that, but I ain't going for it while you with me. Some of them niggas-and bitches too-treat me like I'm a celebrity or something. Asking for pics and shit. I don't wanna put no extra attention on you. You know that's when mufucka's start acting weird, tryna ruin shit."

"What, you scared one of yo' girls might walk up on me or something?" She said with a light laugh, walking alongside him.

"You tryna subtly ask if I'ma hoe?" He rose an eyebrow in curiosity, making her laugh again.

"Maybe. You know how Renee is about you. You probably got a few more on yo' roster who act just like her."

"Nah. I did when I was younger. I'm too old to keep up with more than one bit-woman now. You ain't got nothing to worry 'bout." Him correcting his slip up made Kianna smile; she'd gotten on to him more than once about how he constantly referred to women as bitches.

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