34 | Reunited

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Judah reached over to pull Kianna closer to him, only to realize that she wasn't there anymore

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Judah reached over to pull Kianna closer to him, only to realize that she wasn't there anymore. He slowly opened his eyes to let them adjust to the sun that shined brightly through the floor to ceiling windows in the living room.

He pulled the blanket back before raising up from the couch, putting his arms in the air behind his head to stretch his body out. Then, he folded up the two covers they slept with last night, putting them on the corner of the couch.

When he made it up to their bedroom, he saw Kianna with her head underneath the covers and the silhouette of her iPad that was playing TikTok's out loud. He wondered how and when she was able to make it upstairs without him waking up.

Last night, he ended up leaving the room to go and find her, and when he saw her asleep on the couch, he laid down next to her and fell asleep as well. Him being upset clearly wasn't enough to keep him from needing to touch her in order to get some actual rest.

Plus, he couldn't lie like he hadn't missed her more than anything. When he seen her yesterday evening, all he wanted was to kiss and hug and hold her, but when he remembered the reason why he was even at home, it just pissed him off all over again.

And by the time he was ready to apologize, he could hear her sobbing in the shower, so he figured he was better off just giving her some space. He hadn't meant to make her sad but he didn't feel like his reaction was completely unwarranted either.

He was ready to talk now; he just didn't know how to approach the situation..

In the midst of him washing his face in the bathroom, he realized that there was some kind of ointment around his eye-ointment that he didn't put there himself, which meant that Kianna had to have done it this morning while he was asleep.

After drying his hands off with a napkin, he went out into the bedroom and climbed in the bed with her, putting himself under the covers.

Kianna dropped her iPad when he forced her to come closer to him, laying her head in the crook of his neck while his arms went around her body in a hug. She tried to hold back her tears, but of course a few of them slipped out anyway.

"I missed you. I'm sorry my baby. Stop crying please." He pulled her even closer, feeling her arms wrap around his neck as he rubbed the small of her back.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you and I didn't mean to cuss you out either. I felt like you wasn't hearing me but that ain't give me the right to do that. I'm still learning how to handle myself when I'm mad. I'm sorry." He apologized, lowering his head to leave a kiss on her cheek.

"I missed you so much Judah. I just wanted you back home.. I'm sorry." She buried her face deeper into his neck, finding her comfort in his arms.

"I know. It's ok."

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked quietly.

"I was never mad at you, I was mad at the situation; and I shouldn't have been because it was my fault anyway. You would've never had the chance to make that decision if I lived right, you know? It ain't nothin' we can do now though.."

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