21 | Birthday Sex

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Judah looked down at Kianna's feet that were in his lap, rubbing his fingers between her toes to continue massaging them

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Judah looked down at Kianna's feet that were in his lap, rubbing his fingers between her toes to continue massaging them. His laptop was opened on the side of him, but he hadn't touched it in a good hour. The show that they were watching, Scandal, was what took his attention away.

The two of them were currently on his private jet in the bedroom, just a few minutes away from landing in Central Switzerland, where they'd be spending four days for his 35th birthday.

Judah powered his Nokia cell phone all the way off during takeoff, and he wouldn't be turning it back on until their plane ride back to the states because he knew that as soon as they landed, he had a lot of work to get done to begin wrapping this era of his life up.

So, this break was about to be just that-a break.

"This bitch always talkin' 'bout, 'consider it handled'." Judah shook his head at Olivia Pope on the TV screen, making Kianna laugh. He claimed he didn't like the shows she watched but he sure did comment on every single little thing.

"You act just like her, what you mean? You be like, 'it's good. I'ma take care of it'." Kianna mocked his voice, laughing again while he rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.

A knock on the door made Kianna's laughter quiet down as Judah granted one of the flight attendants permission to come inside.

"Hey, I just came to let you know that we're landing now, sir. We have a van waiting for you and we'll handle your luggage."

"'Preciate that Lonzo." Judah gave him a head nod, and Alonzo did a small bow at him before dismissing himself.

"His voice always shaking when he talk to you. I think you scare him." Kianna told him when the door closed.

"Nigga heard me yelling at a few of my niggas one time and been scared ever since. His ass can barely look at me." He chuckled, standing up from the bed to stretch his body out.

"You are pretty scary when you yell at people." She shrugged, and he did as well with a sly smirk. If people didn't piss him off, he wouldn't yell at them. So that wasn't his fault.

Anywho, the landing was smooth, and as Alonzo said, there was a sprinter van waiting for them on the runway. Alonzo put both of their suitcases inside on his own, and Judah tipped him a stack of cash-he honestly wasn't sure how much it was, he just took it out of his backpack-before they were driven away.

Kianna vlogged the ride to their AirBnB on her Sony ZV-1F camera-a new hobby that she'd picked up. Her YouTube channel only had 13,000 subscribers, but to have started it only a month ago, it was doing well. She even had fans that had already migrated over to her Instagram and TikTok accounts.

"So, we just got here guysss. Look how cute this view is! It's like, breathtaking." She turned her camera around to show the grass that was so rich in color, and a very powerful waterfall that was only a few yards away from the house they'd be staying in.

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