20 | Best Birthday Ever

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Kianna picked up a sliced pineapple with her fork, letting the juice of it drip into the can while Judah's hand rubbed at her thigh

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Kianna picked up a sliced pineapple with her fork, letting the juice of it drip into the can while Judah's hand rubbed at her thigh. She took a bite out of it at the same time that one of the girls in front of her screamed, being stabbed in her arm with a pocket knife.

"Yo, put that shit down. I ain't say you could use a weapon." Judah frowned at Renee, who immediately dropped it after rubbing her red nose. She was so high, her nostrils were running like a waterfall.

The rest of the women in the whore house just stood around and watched, as usual. Some of them stared at Renee and Miracle, while others stared at Judah and Kianna. They didn't know how Kianna was sitting there so unbothered as if she wasn't in the same exact position six months ago.

They hadn't seen her in a while, but she tagged along with Judah today because she didn't want to be at home by herself. It was currently storming outside and she was afraid the lights would go out if he left her; as if he was in control of the electric company or something.

Most of the women knew that the two were officially a couple, but it was still shocking to see. A lot of them had known Judah for a few years now, and he'd never even shook hands with a woman in front of them before Kianna came around. It was like she turned his whole world around after being kidnapped.

He was so different now. He was even becoming nicer to them. Just last week, he gave them each ten thousand dollars in cash just because his birthday was approaching and he was in a good mood.

Unfortunately, not everyone appreciated his generosity; like Miracle, who was currently fighting Renee, who'd been giving the task to bruise her up in exchange for another ten thousand and a bag of cocaine.

Over the last few months, Miracle had been sneaking and selling the product that she was supposed to be bagging up for Judah's corner boys to sell on her own terms; and by this point, she had practically started up her own little business. A successful one, at that.

She'd accumulated over seventy thousand dollars of income from stealing Judah's drugs, and had even began to plan to steal bigger quantities from the trailers that delivered them. Luckily, he was made aware of her plans by some of the other women in the house before she could execute said plans.

Of course, he had to discipline her, as he did everyone else. Nobody was exempt, and no amount of theft was too small to warrant punishment. He didn't care if it was fifty seven cents, he didn't play about his money at all.

Miracle was lucky Judah was turning over a new leaf that stopped him from killing people who committed small crimes against him. He actually hadn't killed anyone in a few weeks, which was a big step for him because he was used to having graves dug up for at least three people a week.

Kianna was to thank for that, of course. He was becoming a better person because of her. Well, slightly better. He still had some things to work on..

"C-c-can I have it n-now?" Renee scratched at her arm after knocking Miracle out; she was still alive though, and they could tell from how her body was twitching on the ground as she slowly regained consciousness.

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