16 | Kianna's First Mission

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Kianna sat crisscrossed on the bed with her hands tucked in the middle of her legs, watching Judah load the magazine of a Glock 22 with brand new bullets

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Kianna sat crisscrossed on the bed with her hands tucked in the middle of her legs, watching Judah load the magazine of a Glock 22 with brand new bullets. There were black gloves on his hands, and he made sure to be careful not to rip them while forcing the bullets down on top of one another.

"Can I please go, Judah? I'll stay in the truck. Please?" She followed him with her eyes as he walked to the trash can near the room door to toss his gloves.

"Kianna I said no three times already. Stop asking."

"Why though? He's my brother. I can get him to talk but you can't. You gon' be torturing him all night for nooo reason." She rolled her eyes.

"And if I kill him, then what you gon' do? Be mad at me? Exactly. So I rather keep you in the dark." He leaned down to kiss her cheek, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to stop him from pulling away.

"I won't be mad. I barely know him. But I want to know more about my parents and he won't tell you anything 'cause you're-well, you." She wrapped her legs around him too, locking him in place.

"You ain't gon' be mad if I kill him?" He rose an eyebrow suspiciously, trying to make sure he'd heard that right.

"Not really.. I mean, he literally put a hit out on me. A hit. I didn't even know that was a real thing."

"You just said the other day not to kill nobody in front of you."

"Uh, yeah, I don't wanna see it. You can do it in the warehouse, in that dungeon thingy. I just wanna see if he knows anything more about our parents. I've been wondering if me and him are even blood, because why would I get 100 million dollars and he gets just ten percent of that? He should be like, the heir, no? Since he's a boy, and the oldest. He should've took over my dad's little gangster group or whatever." She explained.

"Hm. I didn't think about that." Judah went quiet for a moment before putting his gaze back on hers.

"Aight, c'mon." He lifted her up from the bed, and Kianna smiled because she'd been trying to convince him to let her tag along for almost an hour now.

Judah got a call a while ago from one of his corner boys saying that Keon, Kianna's brother, was holed up in an abandoned building in South Bronx, clearly trying to stay out of sight; though obviously that didn't work out in his favor.

He'd been looking for Keon since the moment he took Kianna, but hadn't really made Keon a priority because no man put genuine fear in his heart-especially a broke one who looked up to him and previously referred to him as 'OG'.

He knew that Keon didn't have the balls to step up to him about backing out of the original mission he agreed to, but he couldn't say the same for what Keon would do to Kianna if he seen her out alone; which is why Kianna had been by Judah's side since the moment she was 'kidnapped'. He'd been protecting her all along.

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