38 | Happy Birthday KJ

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Kianna's head rested tiredly against their black velvet headboard while Judah's head was in her lap and her baby's head was on her chest

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Kianna's head rested tiredly against their black velvet headboard while Judah's head was in her lap and her baby's head was on her chest. It was a little past ten in the morning, and she was wide awake with her daughter who seemed to cry whenever she figured her mother was trying to get some sleep.

The two of them had been up on and off all through the night after lying down for bed a little while after midnight; or at least Kianna thought they'd be going to bed. Princess definitely had other plans and she knew just how to get her way.

Last night, she and Judah ate brownies and ice cream after dinner to start the celebration of her birthday, but it wasn't really feeling like her birthday. She just felt like a mom. A mom with bags under her weary eyes, sore and constantly aching boobs, tired arms from holding her baby 24/7, and a banging headache.

Not to mention, as a birthday gift, Princess Kiyanna decided she would have a runny blowout an hour ago, leaving it up to her mom to clean. Wet, runny, green poop-all over her *luckily* naked body. A shower got rid of it but she swore she still smelled like poop.

"I'm up. Sorry girl, damn." Kianna mumbled, catching herself from dozing off as soon as Princess began to whine on her chest.

The sound of her voice caused Judah to turn in his sleep, nuzzling his face deeper into her lap. Princess started to actually cry soon after, and his eyes opened within seconds, finally up from his nine hour slumber.

"Shhh, it's ok. I'm here." Kianna began to rock her, letting her latch back onto her lightly throbbing nipple.

She was afraid to admit it out loud but she was slowly and surely growing tired of breastfeeding. Nobody told her that it came with pain or sleepless nights because her daughter's sleep schedule didn't align with hers no matter the methods she tried implementing.

Kianna didn't really give a reaction when Judah greeted her with a kiss, but she followed him with her eyes when he got out of the bed to go and brush his teeth in the bathroom. She was mad at him but she couldn't pinpoint the reason why yet.

Maybe because he slept good every night and she never did. She only ever got about two hours of sleep at a time, and even that was rare. It was like her daughter needed her to simply breathe; she was so clingy, as a newborn infant should be, but still, Kianna was tired.

"I'll take her now mama. Go to sleep." Judah was back in front of her a few minutes later, and she didn't move or even take her eyes off of Jessie, the Disney show that currently played on the TV.

"Move Judah." She mumbled, pushing his hands away when he tried to grab Princess.

"Wassup? I can't hold her?" He asked.

"No. Go back to sleep." She said the same thing that he said seconds before.

"I'm sorry. Did I do somethin' wrong?" He apologized in advance for whatever it was, slightly confused.

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