39 | Baby #2

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"This shit mad embarrassing

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"This shit mad embarrassing." Judah mumbled annoyingly before wincing, tilting his head to the side.

"Shut up 'cause you was doing all that whining 'bout it hurting. Now I'm fixing it and you embarrassed." Kianna's flashlight was being held in the cleavage of her boobs as she used the sharp edge of the tweezer to pull an ingrown hair from his beard.

"Yo' mama must think I'm her kid too or somethin'." He said to Princess who was facing away from him in his lap, getting her back patted to urge a burp to release.

"Might as well be. You damn near 40 acting like a lil' b-,"

"Jade you pushing it." He cut her off before she could finish, and she laughed at the usage of her middle name.

"Shit." He hissed as she finally managed to pull out the piece of curly coarse hair that was trapped underneath his skin.

"All better now stink. I got it." She kissed his cheek before putting her tweezer back in her purse, then she removed her phone from between her boobs.

"I don't even understand how that lil' shit get tangled like that. Niggas damn near ready to cut this shit off."

"Please don't ever threaten me like that again." Kianna frowned at him, highly upset with even the thought of him getting rid of his beard.

"You ain't even seen me with no low cut. How you know you won't like it?" He chuckled.

"I know I won't. I seen your bald face in those pics in yo' room at your mom's house. I'd break up with you if you cut your beard or your hair." She told him with a straight face.

"Saying that when we literally planning the wedding right now is crazy." Judah shook his head, and Kianna laughed, glancing down at the notebook that they were jotting down plans in.

They actually were currently having a meeting with their wedding planner, Evelyn, because they were just two months away from their wedding day.

A lot of the things were already set in stone and booked, but there were still a few things to check off of their list. Today, they were cake testing for their large five tier cake and planning what would be on the menu for guests to choose from.

At first, Evelyn suggested they get a giant 'castle cake' which was a six foot tall cake that looked realistic but was completely fake and made from styrofoam, and have a regular sheet cake be precut and served, but Kianna wanted her oversized cake to be real.

Judah didn't eat cake either way so he didn't mind what would happen with it and was willing to pay for whatever Kianna wanted. She was still forcing him to try the chosen flavor with her today though.

"Alright, here we are. Feel free to give me any criticism because I do want this cake to be perfect for you guys." Their booked baker, Vanessa, sat down a long tray that carried eight different slices of cake.

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