23 | Plan In Motion pt. 2

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Judah bounced his right leg while Kianna sat in his lap, gently rocking her body to put her back to sleep

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Judah bounced his right leg while Kianna sat in his lap, gently rocking her body to put her back to sleep. It was a little past five in the morning and she woke up as soon as he did, and although he didn't plan on leaving, she started crying anyway.

It had nothing to do with whether he'd leave or not though. The guilt from yesterday's events was literally eating her up from the inside out, and it broke her heart every time she thought about it.

She woke up this morning with her 17 week old belly now empty, no longer holding the baby girl she once carried. The baby that Judah had basically begged her for; the baby she could no longer give him. It saddened Kianna to know that she was taken away from them so selfishly.

A part of her blamed herself for the incident that transpired yesterday morning. If only she'd stayed home and waited on Rico like Judah told her, then maybe the crash could've been avoided.. maybe those men wouldn't have had the chance to purposely kill their child.

She couldn't stop thinking about the maybes; the what if's.

"I'm sorry that I'm keeping you from work." She mumbled quietly, keeping her face buried in the crook of his neck.

"You more important. I'll drop anything and everything for you." He didn't hesitate at all with his response, and she knew that he meant that.

"Are you still gonna leave even though we don't have a baby anymore?" She sniffed.

"Yes. I was leaving for you, not the baby." He told her, making her reach up to wipe away the tears that slid down her cheeks.

Judah's gaze lingered on their opened closet where six bags of baby items were sitting. They just went shopping for their baby girl this past Saturday, and he picked out most of the clothes. The excitement he once held for the arrival of Baby K was a feeling he was now yearning for.

Baby K was the nickname they had just picked up about a week prior after Kianna mentioned being tired of their daughter being nameless; and Judah swore she had to be named after Kianna. If it was up to him, she'd literally be named Kianna Junior. It was as clear as day that he loved the hell out of the woman who carried his first child.

"Are you sad?" She asked; hoping he'd be honest with her this time. He'd been putting his feelings on the back burner to take care of her, and every time she tried to check on him, he would put the attention on her again.

"A little bit."

"Can you talk to me then? Please?" She rubbed his arm, groping lightly on his tattooed bicep.

"What you want me to say mama?" He asked.

"I don't know. I j-just wanna help you feel better like how you're doing with me.."

"I'm aight. How you feeling? You ready to eat somethin' now?" His hand rubbed up and down her back, and all she did was sigh under her breath.

"What I do wrong?" He held a slight frowning expression on his face when she climbed out of his lap, getting back underneath the covers in the bed.

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