40 | Epilogue

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"You know, it's so surprising that you not crying

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"You know, it's so surprising that you not crying. Everything else makes you cry but you all smiles today." Amina chuckled, removing a curling rod from Kianna's hair.

"I'm too happy to cry. I miss my man so much already. I can't wait to see him." Her cheeks were warming with blush just by thinking about how he looked right now.

"I'm so proud of you best friend. You deserve this so bad. It's me talkin' 'bout you crying and I'm finna start." She had to blink into a napkin to avoid ruining her mascara, making Kianna's smile grow.

Today was the day that Kianna would finally be marrying the love of her life, Judah, in front of all of their family and friends.

Technically, she and Judah were already legally married because they signed the documents at the State Courthouse last week, but today was the actual ceremony where Kianna would actually walk down the aisle and they'd exchange vows to each other.

The ceremony was scheduled to start at two o'clock and it was now just a few minutes past that and the venue was packed to maximum capacity with over a hundred and twenty people and there were still more showing up.

She was extremely nervous but the excitement definitely overrode it.

Currently, Amina was finishing up with touching up Kianna's pin curls because they'd dropped slightly from when they were done a little over an hour ago and they had to make sure the curls were perfect for all of the photographs that would be taken.

Everything else was done; she and Judah were both dressed, her makeup was flawless, everyone had eaten their appetizers that would hold them over until the entrees were served, and almost everyone was here and currently waiting on her arrival.

The same jazz band that played at her birthday was here to perform live for their wedding, and the first song in the playlist she and Judah had put together was now playing, signaling that it was almost time for her to walk down the aisle.

She knew that technically she was the actual center of attention, but she couldn't wait to see what her man looked like. She'd seen him in a suit before, of course, but today's suit was worn on an obviously very special day for the both of them.

The traditional way to start a wedding day was in a hotel away from your partner, but Judah made sure he woke up next to her and their daughter in their home. They cuddled together all morning, entirely focused on one another since they knew they'd have to spend a few hours apart to get ready.

It had only been four hours and they were already craving each other's presence so badly. Everyone could quite literally see and feel the love that they shared.

Now, it was time to seal that love officially under God.

"My love, you are as beautiful as ever. I am so very proud of you." Matteo fixed her veil that was stuck to the fabric of her dress while admiring his little girl that wasn't so little anymore.

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