09 | Beggars Not Choosers

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Judah watched as Renee and Kara fought one another, leaning against a water pipe with a blunt in between his lips

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Judah watched as Renee and Kara fought one another, leaning against a water pipe with a blunt in between his lips. Both of them had drew blood already and were beyond tired, but neither one of them were ready to give up yet.

He thought it was kind of funny that Renee had just got out of the hospital from the injuries she sustained after hitting Kianna a few weeks ago, and now days later, here she was getting injured all over again just to prove her loyalty to him.

She didn't even know why she was fighting Kara, she was just doing it because he told her to. He didn't promise her anything in return either; no money, no forgiveness, no anything. She clearly had no love for herself.

"Aight y'all good." He chuckled, watching Kara fall after being punched in her neck, causing her to lose consciousness for just a few seconds.

"Watch out." He gestured to Renee, who immediately stepped to the side as he approached them.

"I-I-I'm sorry." Kara stuttered from both fear and her shattered teeth at the bottom once he stood in front of her.

"Next time you feel like you gotta warn my baby 'bout me, I'ma kill you. Take this as a warning, you hear me? You know I don't fuck around like that Kara." He looked down at her, watching her nod while she shielded her face in case he was about to hit her.

"Yo, take both of 'em to the hospital. Get they ass cleaned up." He ashed his blunt on the wall, hearing the guards move to grab them as he made his way to the elevator.

He pulled his phone from his pocket once he stepped on, seeing the time that read 7:51am. It was a shame that he had to go and prove a point this early in the damn morning. If only everybody could just act right so that he could sleep in past noon.

The elevator carried him up from the basement to the ground floor, where he got off to go talk to the man sitting at the front desk of the lobby.

"Good morning sir. Is everything alright?" The man named Travis greeted him, standing up from the desk when he realized who it was.

"Yeah. Have somebody send some breakfast up. Some of those ultimate loaded omelets. No pork."

"Of course sir. Any sides or drinks for you and the missus?" He referred to Kianna.

"Sweet white rice and apple juice." Judah passed him a fifty dollar bill, and he bowed in thanks before taking it, heading through the door that said Employees Only' to get to the kitchen.

Judah got back on the elevator and rode it up to the 27th floor, got off, and finally approached the door to his luxurious suite. He typed in the six digit pin on the lock pad, then walked in and locked the door behind him.

He could hear sounds coming from the TV in his bedroom, which meant that Kianna was now awake. He made sure the TV was off when he left an hour ago.

When he opened the door, the TV was playing The Lorax, but Kianna wasn't watching it. Her head appeared to be under the covers, so she probably turned it on for background noise. Unlike him, she couldn't go to sleep when the room was silent and dark. She needed the TV to be playing something.

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