08 | Two Truths, One Lie

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Kianna awoke from the feeling of her body being rubbed on, and she placed her hand over Judah's that groped lightly on her chest

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Kianna awoke from the feeling of her body being rubbed on, and she placed her hand over Judah's that groped lightly on her chest. She then let his hand go to grab her head that pulsed with a headache.

"Nah somebody gon' die if I have to come up there. Figure it the fuck out yo. Y'all niggas dumb as shit." His stern voice came from in front of her, causing her eyes to open.

"Just when I thought you were a changed man." She sarcastically mumbled, putting her hands up in the air as she stretched her body out.

"I am. Good pussy do it to ya'." He sat the flip phone on the dresser after closing it, then wrapped his arms around her body again.

"Mmm," She grabbed his shoulders when he gave her a bear hug, purposely popping her back.

"Shit. Where's Mina?" She then sat up in the bed with the blankets to her chest, a worried frown on her face.

After leaving the party yesterday, they never went back out of the room. Judah was too busy turning her every which way but loose and they didn't realize how much time had passed until they went to sleep around ten. Then he woke her up around three and did it again.

This man outlasted her and that surprised her like hell because she was used to going for a few hours with women. Men typically got off in a few minutes and that'd be it. Judah proved her assumptions wrong though.

He never got tired.

"She good. She in the room with Kara. The guard outside the room said they fucked, too." He smirked, and Kianna's mouth fell open in shock before she laughed at the look on his face.

"Oh my god, I need to go talk to her. I need to shower first though." She swung her legs carefully over the side of the bed, grabbing the dresser to aid her in standing up.

"Judah stop staring and come help me." She turned her head to look at him, causing his eyes to trail up from her bare backside.

"That ain't my name no more." He shrugged like he didn't know who she was talking to.

"I'm serious Judah." She frowned, and he looked everywhere else but at her.

"Baby, help me please." She rephrased with a slight roll of her eyes, but couldn't even fight the smile that crept across her face when she watched him get out of the bed to help her.

She laid her head down tiredly on his shoulder once she was picked up, feeling him hoist her up further on his body by hooking his arms underneath her thighs.

"You took a shower already?" She could smell the scent of his body wash on his neck.

"Mhm. I woke up this morning wit' nut all over my dick." He put her down near the sink, standing directly behind her with his hands on her waist.

Kianna had a small smile on her face as she put toothpaste on her toothbrush, thinking about the words that he'd just said. Mind you, she hadn't touched him at all last night. He did all of the touching, and somehow, he also had a few orgasms throughout the night.

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