31 | Connect The Dots

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Judah stared up at the rusted ceiling of his cell, lying on the concrete bench with his hands behind his head

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Judah stared up at the rusted ceiling of his cell, lying on the concrete bench with his hands behind his head. They gave him a thin cot to put on top of the bench for comfort, but it smelled like piss so he hadn't used it at all; and of course, they were refusing to bring him a new one.

Every time he went to jail it was the same pattern over and over. The correctional officers and inmates all knew him, and you'd think that with as big as he was in the streets, he'd get king treatment in here-but he didn't, which didn't bother him because he wasn't entitled or anything, but they acted like he'd be here forever. He planned to kill everybody who pissed him off, no matter how long it took to get to them.

Thinking like that was probably the whole reason he was in this situation now.

He had been doing good though, or so he thought. It had been almost four years since the last time he was booked into county jail, so obviously he must've been doing something right. Somewhere, though, he made a mistake, and it was taking forever for him to figure out where that mistake occurred.

And the longer he thought about it, the more pissed off he became. Unfortunately for him though, there wasn't anything else for him to do. He didn't even have a window to gaze out of. The only things in the cell with him was a Quran and a small notebook.

He was bored out of his mind, and the stress was only making things worse.

"On your feet inmate." A band of keys jingled outside of his door, and he did as told, stretching his body out when he was up.

In solitary confinement, he was locked up in this cell for 23 hours a day. The worst thing about it wasn't even the loneliness; it was the absence of knowing simple things like what time it was, if it was night or day-things like that. It drove him crazy, and he was thankful for the one hour he got to get out of the cell.

The hour was for recreational time with the other inmates in solitary confinement. They could watch the colorless TV or work out, and there was also a very small court where they could play basketball if they wanted. Nothing big, but enough to satisfy them.

"Yo, what time is it?" Judah asked after being led out of the cell, keeping his hands behind his back.

"8:22 at night." The officer responded after checking his watch, and Judah nodded, saying nothing else.

When they made it to the recreation area, Judah sat down on one of the cushioned chairs across from an older man who had become sort of an acquaintance during his time in solitary, seeing him shuffling a deck of cards.

The man, Albert, didn't talk though. Judah just played spades with him once and now they did it everyday.

He wished he could tell Kianna about Albert because she was always saying how he needed to make friends outside of the men he worked with. She would be proud of him; even though all they did was play cards. He missed her so much.

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