06 | Second Home

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The sound of rain pattering against the window and the occasional thunder and lightning that accompanied it had Kianna's eyes heavy, but her mind was moving so fast that she couldn't allow herself to fall asleep

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The sound of rain pattering against the window and the occasional thunder and lightning that accompanied it had Kianna's eyes heavy, but her mind was moving so fast that she couldn't allow herself to fall asleep.

It was going on six in the morning and she was still wide awake. The iPad nor her phone were entertaining enough to keep her attention, so she'd been staring at the wall across from her for the last hour or so.

Judah slept silently behind her, as he did every night. He didn't snore at all and Kianna was so thankful for that.

His arm was tucked around her torso and her backside was pulled against his front with just a small space separating them. At first they were body to body, but Kianna moved after feeling the erection he had while he slept.

Every so often his hand would rub her skin for a few seconds, probably to make sure she was still lying there. He slept light but if Kianna moved slow enough he wouldn't feel her moving, so he had to constantly check.

"What you doin' Kianna?" Speaking him up, Judah spoke from behind her when she attempted to get out of the bed. Apparently she wasn't moving as slow as she thought.

"Turning over." She lied, turning around to face him. Now that he was up, she knew it would be a minute before he went back to sleep, and that was if he didn't decide to stay up.

"What you still up for?" His second question, so she knew he was planning on staying awake. She needed him to go back to sleep so that she could explore the house they were in.

After leaving the hospital yesterday afternoon, Judah took her shopping for own wardrobe at the mall since she often complained about having to wear girly clothing. Then, they were eating dinner at a soul food spot near the mall when it started pouring down rain.

Instead of going to the 'whore' house, Judah took her to a nice upscale condo in New York City that was almost 40 minutes away. Kianna had a feeling that this was his personal living quarters, and she wanted to see if it would reveal any information about his true life.

She couldn't do that if he was awake though.

"I'm not. I'm still sleep." She mumbled, scooting up higher in the bed to wrap her arms around his neck, guiding his head to lay on her chest.

Judah didn't question her actions, not even when she put her leg around him. He just pulled her closer and nuzzled his face deeper into her breasts, lowering his hand to rest on her butt.

"You good mama?" He asked to make sure she was okay with his hand being there.

"Mhm." She hummed because she knew he would be able to tell that she was lying if she verbally answered.

Kianna rubbed his scalp in between his cornrow braid which helped him doze off in no time, and soon enough, his grip let up on her. She knew he was asleep then, but she stayed still for another ten minutes just to make sure.

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