32 | The Deal

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Judah's arms were bent at a ninety degree angle to push his chest towards the ground in a push up; his 77th one of the morning

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Judah's arms were bent at a ninety degree angle to push his chest towards the ground in a push up; his 77th one of the morning. Since coming to solitary, he did about two hundred a day in total; one hundred a few hours after waking up, and one hundred before he went to bed. Working out was just about the only thing he could do in here.

He missed the gym they had in their house and working out with his gym partner and most favorite person in the world, Kianna, too. He literally couldn't wait until he could go home to her. This was beginning to take a toll on his mental health.

"Judah?" Kianna's tired voice called, making him instantly raise from the ground to get the small flip phone from the concrete bench.

"Yeah baby, wassup? You up now?" He asked, sitting down.

"Mhm. I thought you would've hung up by now to save your battery." She yawned, pulling the covers back from over her chest.

"Nah, this phone old as shit; the battery life probably last up to a week or somethin'. Shelly gave me two extra batteries to change it when it does die though."

"He's so real. I won't even ask how he got the phone or the batteries, I'm just glad he did." She chuckled before adding, "How long have you been awake?"

"A few hours. I been waiting on you to get up."

"Why, you missed me while I was sleeping?" She asked with a smile.

"You know I did. I be missing you when you in front of me so just imagine how I feel now."

"Awww, stinky. I miss you so much. You tryna make me cry and I literally just opened my eyes two minutes ago?" She carried her phone with her to the bathroom, and a smile grew on Judah's face as well.

"Nah..no more tears mama. How you feeling? You feel like throwing up?" He switched the topic so that she didn't get sad, leaning back against the wall.

"I'm just a little nauseous. It usually comes after I brush my teeth though 'cause Colgate toothpaste makes my stomach hurt so bad." She mumbled.

"It's 'cause of the fluoride in it. You need something without that, like charcoal toothpaste-the one that Eli uses. Go get his and see if it helps." He said, and without even questioning him, Kianna went to do as told.

Listening came naturally with him. He never steered her in the wrong direction and was always looking out for her wellbeing. She loved how easy it was to submit to him; even if it was something as simple as mindlessly following his suggestion to try a new toothpaste to get rid of her nausea.

She was obsessed with her man. She couldn't wait for him to come back home to her.

"I don't know what I was expecting, but it tastes kinda funny. Like, there's none of that usual harsh mint flavor but there's no more morning breath either." Now back in their bathroom, Kianna dried her mouth off with a napkin.

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