37 | First Day Out

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Judah stared down at Kianna who was finally getting some rest after delivering a baby yesterday afternoon, almost a full 24 hours ago

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Judah stared down at Kianna who was finally getting some rest after delivering a baby yesterday afternoon, almost a full 24 hours ago. She had only been asleep for half an hour now, and he could tell that she really needed the rest. She was so drained.

Their daughter was lying on her bare chest, awake, but quiet because of the nipple in her mouth. She was just now calming down after crying for an hour straight. Although slightly annoying, it was the most beautiful sound Judah had ever heard.

He still couldn't believe she was real. She was so perfect.

"It smells good." Kianna mumbled quietly, making Judah's eyebrows furrow. He could've sworn she was sleep.

"Mama cooking you breakfast. How you feeling? Can I get you somethin'?" He asked, gently kissed her forehead at the same time that her eyes opened.

"I'm ok stinky. I have to pee though, can you help me up, please?" She didn't even have to fully ask her question before Judah was out of the bed, walking over to her side to help her stand.

He watched her face scrunch up once she was on her feet, and the expression remained as they walked very slowly to the bathroom. The aftermath of birth was worse than the actual labor. Kianna had never been endured this much pain before.

When they finally made it to the bathroom, Kianna kept their baby to her chest while Judah pulled down the diaper that she wore before guiding her to sit down on the toilet. She closed her legs as she relieved her bladder in an attempt to soothe her cramps, but to no avail.

Judah rolled the diaper up and put it into a plastic bag before disposing of it in a small metal bin that was specifically being used for Kianna and Princess Kiyanna's diapers. The next thing he did was go back into their bedroom closet where a mini freezer was, and he grabbed a 'padsicle' out of it.

In the midst of severe nesting last week, Kianna made enough padiscle's to completely fill one of the deep freezers in the garage, and Judah ordered a mini freezer to keep some in their room for easier access. The second deep freezer would be used to store milk.

A padsicle was just a frozen pad with 100% pure aloe Vera gel and alcohol free witch hazel, but both substances assisted with relieving inflammation and acute pain, as well as helped reduced the swelling and bruising of Kianna's vagina-which was a huge life saver at the moment.

After sticking the padsicle inside of the diaper, Judah helped Kianna put her feet into the two small openings. Then, he wiped her himself, getting her as clean as he possibly could. The blood didn't seem to stop though, but it didn't worry him too much because Kataleya told them that was completely normal for the first few days after birth.

"Thank you so much." Kianna mumbled, tilting her head back for a kiss when he helped her stand up again.

"You don't have to thank me. This what I'm here for." He told her, and she smiled, satisfied with his words and the kiss he gave her.

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