27 | Oh, Baby!

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"Kianna you supposed to be getting dressed

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"Kianna you supposed to be getting dressed." Judah walked out of the bathroom with a towel covering his bottom half and a small frown on his face, seeing Kianna sitting naked on top of her towel on the floor, eating freshly baked brownies and vanilla ice cream.

"I was hungry, and my brownies were done. You want one?" She picked up a piece out of the tray, holding it up for him to grab.

"No. How did you sit here and eat half a pan of brownies? You just got out the shower ten minutes ago." His frown remained, only for her to shrug in response while taking a bite out of the brownie she held.

She lifted a spoonful of ice cream to her mouth to eat with the warm, gooey chocolate brownie, doing a small dance at the tasteful sensation. She should've added sprinkles in the brownie mix; sort of like cosmic brownies, although they actually used chocolate chip candy. That would've really set it off.

"Hurry up mama. We late." He said, and she smiled at how he was letting her finish her snack instead of rushing her to put it up and get ready now.

Kianna ended up finishing the entire pan of homemade brownies on her own, and she knew she would regret that decision within a few hours, but oh well. It would be well worth the future time spent on the toilet.

After washing her hands, she went ahead and got ready as fast as she could. She did a light beat of makeup, and got dressed in her outfit of the day; a long sleeved white dress that stopped below her ankles and hugged her figure while leaving the belly area exposed, and black Burberry leather sandals.

Judah, on the other hand, dressed in white jeans and a Burberry plaid long sleeved button up shirt, with classic archive beige low top Burberry sneakers. He didn't wear any jewelry besides his black Van Cleef bracelets; and the same went for Kianna.

He, as always, was finished getting ready before her, so he sat on the bed to watch her touch up the edges on her slick back water wave curled ponytail, and then, they were finally able to leave.

"You look so pretty mama. You smell good." He had his face in her neck as they rode the elevator down to the parking garage, and she laughed, grabbing his chin after feeling him sniffing her skin.

"And daddy baby so pretty too." He leaned down to kiss her round belly, putting his hands on each side of it while her smile grew.

Kianna officially hit the four month mark in her second pregnancy today, which not-so-coincidentally fell on the day that they were having their gender reveal shower. Like the first time, Amina was the only one who knew the gender, and she was currently at Maria's house with Judah's family, preparing for their arrival.

The last three and a half months have been the best days of both Kianna and Judah's lives. Business slowed all the way down for him after the fiasco that happened with the anonymous S.W.A.T. report, which didn't bother him in the slightest since it just helped speed up the process of him leaving the 'streets' altogether.

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