Never excellent

40 4 1

Cheyenne sat down on the couch by her daughters, no words exchanged between them. She watched as Diya repeatedly wiped tears from her eyes, and both of her girls continued telling her they were sorry about her mom. Cheyenne still didn't utter a word, because truthfully, she felt nothing. She stood up and began walking towards her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Selest and Diya swapped confusing face expressions.

"What was that about?" Selest immediately questioned.

"Maybe she wants to cry in peace?" Diya thought.

"Yeah maybe. Look, I'm going to stay a few days. I just want to be here for you both." Selest took Diya's hand in hers.

"Thank are so sweet. I wish I had you growing up, you are a great big sister." Diya smiled.

"Awww ...I wish I had you growing up as well. Life would have been much easier, that's for sure." Selest stood up.

"Okay, we should probably feed our growling bellies. Are you still packing clothes and returning to your man's place?" Selest said teasingly.

"I sort of feel like I should be here for mom, and now you're in town. I should just stay home." Diya stood up also.

"I can be here with her, if you want to be with him in this tough time. I know he will make you feel better, in more ways than one." Selest did a little dance.

"First I had to hear virgin jokes, and now sexual jokes. Ugh, I just can't win."
She threw up her hands .

"It will wear off, plus people are too worried about getting their own hanky pank to be caught up with you for too long." Selest put her arm around Diya's shoulder and they headed towards her room.

Cheyenne relaxed in her bathtub listening to old jams, singing along. She never knew her mom was sick and to think she's on her dying bed. What did her mom think she would do when she found out? Run to her aide and pray her back to good health. The woman earned a spot in hell for what she did. It was almost insulting for her to even break the news to Selest. The very child who supposedly didn't exist. Her mom was a evil indescribable and the hate for her overpowered, any memory of her ever being a decent human being.

Patricia Maddox an intelligible, God fearing humanitarian is what they claimed her to be. She wasn't scum on the bottom of most people shoes. She was an imposter and she had fallen far from the gloria of God. She made Cheyenne feel like she was never good enough, no matter how great she did, it was never excellent. While she waltzed around as if she was the right hand servant to God himself. Psh, her shit stunk too.

When Cheyenne finished her bath, she moisturized her skin with natural cocoa butter cream. She painted her toes and nails, then she slicked her hair back, putting on her earrings. She put on a tight fitting red dress that stopped at her mid thighs. She coated her lips with a cherry red lip gloss and slipped into some clear heels. Cheyenne observes herself in the mirror, checking out every inch of her admittedly amazing figure.

"You never disappoint." She turned to see Briggs standing at the doorway. Cheyenne jumped.

"Briggs? What are you doing here?" She was  confused.

"Waiting for Coby, he wanted me to meet him here before we head out to shoot pool." Briggs stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Oh okay." She swallowed.

"Who is all of this for...him?" Briggs seemed upset.

"Oh, no...I was going to make a quick stop and then come see you." She watched as he stepped closer.

"You will have to wait a couple hours or I could cancel?" He pretended to wipe his head. "All of a sudden I'm not feeling to well to shoot pool. I've come down with a flu." He felt his forehead. He was now directly in front of her.

"How close is he?" She glances towards the door.

"He said he'd be at least 40 minutes and to just wait here," Briggs places his hands around her waist pulling her into him.

"Wait, no my daughters are out there." She pulled away but he put his finger to her mouth.

"They stepped out to grab's just us." He reached under her dress.

"Oh." Her inhale was deep.

"This is not a good idea..." She said as he placed his lips to hers.

"But you're not stopping me." He said confidently.

"Okay but let's hurry." He pulled her legs up around his waist and carried her to the bathroom sink.


Coby saw Briggs car in the driveway, he rubbed his neck, exhausted from his workout. He had been going in a little extra since things were rocky between him and Cheyenne.

When he opened the door he didn't see Briggs on the couch, so he proceeded to the kitchen and still he wasn't in there. He wore a puzzled look as he tried to figure out where his friend was. He walked towards his room, but heard the front door open and in walked his daughters. So he turned back around to greet them and they both hugged him and filled him in on Patricia.

"How long has she been in there?" He asked.

"I'd say two hours." Diya guesses.

Coby nodded then he snapped his fingers.

" Oh, was your Uncle Briggs here?" He asked but Briggs came walking down the hallway with some air freshener.

"Don't anybody go into the guest bathroom for at least 30 minutes... whew sorry bro, you ready?" Coby plopped down on the couch.

"Ewww Uncle Briggs, I will be sleeping in that room tonight, so thanks." Selest rolled her eyes.

Briggs shrugged. "'s the air freshener." He tossed it to her.

"Gee, thanks."

"I'm going to hop in the shower and then we can roll." Coby headed towards his room.

When he entered Cheyenne was under the covers asleep, but the room smelled of candles. He knew she lit candles when she took a long bath and he thought it was hard finding out the news about her mom. He kissed her forehead, but noticed a red dress and clear heels on the floor. He peeled the covers back and she was only wearing a thong. She only did that if she was drinking, he felt sadness for his wife.

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