" I needed you"

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When Diya came to, she was laying in her bed fully dressed, except her shoes. She heard faint noises coming from outside her door. Her mom and dad wore arguing. Diya glanced down at her phone, missed calls and text messages from everyone. Some saying they enjoyed her gathering and they hoped she feels better soon.

One persons name stuck out SELEST!
Diya hands began to tremble as she reads the message.

Selest: When ever your ready we should talk !

Diya quickly closed her phone. It wasn't a dream. Was Selest really her sister? Why wouldn't her parents tell her ? And to think they gave her up for adoption. She felt like a stranger in her own home. This would explain the random pop ups, the awkward stares, and personal family questions. She needed to get out of this house and fast. Diya saw missed calls from Ice, but she decided to return Milly's. He answered on the first ring.

" Hello beautiful, I'm sorry I didn't make it ? How did it go? When I saw you weren't answering or responding to my texts, I assumed you were mad at me. We got slammed at my aunts restaurant I hope..." Diya stares blankly before allowing her words to overlap his.

" ..please come pick me up, I want to be as far away from here as possible right now."
She tried not to let him hear she wanted to cry .

" Yes I can be there in like fifteen minutes." He assured her.

" Good I'll be ready." They hung up.

When Milly arrived Diya came out her room with a overnight bag. She had showered quickly and changed into a crop top, short tights, some sandals with a SnapBack and her bun sticking out the back.

" Diya sweetie you're up, can I make you some tea?" Her mom tried to hurry out the kitchen and her dad stood beside her.

" Princess how do you feel, you should sit down."  He walked towards her.

Diya slipped out the door before her dad got to close . Milly has the door open for her. She quickly got in .

" Hurry, drive! Quick! I don't want to talk to them." Milly hopped back into the driver seat and pulled off waving to Cheyenne and Coby.

Diya pulled her hat down low to cover her eyes and Milly kept stealing glances at her. Her heart now beating rapidly filled with confusion and anger.

" Diya what's wrong with you, you can tell me?" Milly attempted to break the silence and get to the source of the problem. The tears were now falling and Diya couldn't stop them. Milton pulled over and put the car in park.

" Hey, hey come here."
He pulled her into his lap and she buried her face into his shoulder crying loudly now. Milton rubbed her back.

" What's wrong ? It's your birthday you shouldn't be crying ." He tried to soothe her.

She finally calmed down enough to speak. She lifted her head and Milton wiped her tears with his thumbs . He then kissed her cheeks , eyes , her nose . Her breathing still heavy as she tries to find a steady pace.

" Who do I need to kill?" Milly joked making her giggle.

" There's that sexy smile I like, and those pretty lips." Diya stared into his eyes. He placed one hand on the small of her back and the other on the back of her neck.

" Those pretty lips I love, and have been wanting to feel." He pulled her in for a kiss and it was perfect. It wasn't sexual or rushed it was intimate and gentle.

He broke off the kiss and looked into her eyes. Her skin tingled and she knew her cheeks were red. He was so sweet.

" I got you Okay ." He gave her a deep peck. She nodded .

Damn he thought to himself, he actually likes her. What was he going to do? This wasn't apart of the plan. He owed it to his father to hurt Quakes anyway he could. He had to find it in his heart to continue misleading Diya. He had to distract Ice to destroy Quakes. He had to kill two birds with one stone. His thoughts were interrupted by a call coming from Diyas phone.

He peaked over into the passenger seat it read. "Ice calling" She saw him looking .

" I should answer that or he will not stop calling. Err ... he's my friend, but it's complicated. He also thinks he is my brother and father ." She laughed and Milton smiled .

" Go ahead," Milton grabbed her phone and handed it to her .


" Hey," She answered.

"I'm sitting on your bed and you're not here. I called Kim, you are also not there. Your mom is worried,  she said you fainted, woke up and ran out the house ignoring her. You jumped into the car with your um... boyfriend? Who I know nothing about." Ice spoke slow and calm but Diya knew he was concerned and maybe a little mad.

"I'm fine. What I want to know is why you missed my birthday dinner? Something really shocking happened and I,"  She climbed back over into the passenger seat and glanced over at Milton." .. I needed you there, even your grandmother and Ivory showed up. Tate looked like he had gotten into a fight, what's been going on with you?"

Diya turned to the window.
She could hear Ice sigh loudly on the phone.

"Look, I came and sat in the driveway for awhile. I even had your damn gift in the car, but I couldn't bring myself to come in. I can assure you I needed you too. I'm so sorry. Can you please tell me where you are so I can come get you and bring you home. I'm worried. And who is this guy anyways? You leaving with him these kind of hours?"
Diya looked at Milly.

"I'm safe, but I will get in touch with you tomorrow and explain everything."

"Diya wait wait, I love you and if anything happens, anything you didn't want to. Please, call me aight? ." She senses the worry in his voice .

She instantly forgave him . She also knew those words were meant for a friend. Why did it matter? look at this fine guy who rushed over to pick her up and is trying to make her feel better.

" I love you too Ice and okay ." They hung up

"Like a brother huh?" Milton gave her a weak smile. His jaw tightening, she continued staring out the window.

" Yes a brother." She swallowed the lump in her throat. What? Did Milton pick up on something more? Just from a two minute conversation? Is that even possible? Was it weird her and Ice said they loved one another? Or was it how they said it ?


Him and Diya kissed and they both enjoyed it ☺️
But ice 😩
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