Is what it is

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"Damn you just can't catch a break my friend." Briggs placed his dominoes piece down.

"Don't believe it's possible," Coby then took his turn.

"She's cancerous, and she's been there slowly growing all along. Now she's been exposed and she's going to start spreading like a wildfire." He shook his head.

"She's calling me blocked and leaving text messages." Coby sipped his drink .

"Saying what?" Briggs frowned.

"Rushing me to tell Cheyenne."

"And?" Briggs leaned forward.

"I can't find the right time and it's not like anytime would be the right time." Coby was agitated.

"Look man, the longer you wait the worse it will be." Briggs poured himself a little more liquor.

"Shit Briggs don't you think I know that? She'll never accept this baby." Coby's tone comes across defeated.

"She may not, but it's her decision to make." Briggs then fondled with his last two dominoes, trying to figure out which one to put down.

Coby pulled at his beard. "I can't lose her again man. I can't."

"It's not a guarantee that you will have to." Briggs words giving hope.

"Ahh man, we are talking about Cheyenne Brianna Coleman here. She will not stick around for this and I don't blame her." Coby sighed loudly.

"Either way, it is what it is. You got this." Briggs slammed down his last piece. "Dominoes!" He threw his hands in the air and Coby shook his head smiling.


"So you think he's hiding down south?" Quakes was doing push-ups."

"Yeah. I gotta young cat moving product for me that way. Word is your boy trying to buy protection and set up shop that way now."Smith was lifting weights.

"Keep eyes on him, he's received word that I'm free by now. He knows the Reaper will be at his front door soon." Quakes was now doing sit-ups.

"I have someone working from the inside, so we can know his every move. He's telling everyone he only escaped with 200 thousand, but knows where he can get a lot more." Smith paused from lifting.

"He's building an army and he plans on returning to finish the job." Quakes was worried about his loved ones.

"Look, if you say the word it's handled." Smith was serious.

"Naw man, Zeus is mine. Bring him to me alive." He continued working out.

"How is the baked spaghetti?" Cheyenne allowed Diya to be her taste tester.

"Good mom." Her response was dry.

"Honey you haven't even tried it." Cheyenne showed concern.

"I'm sure it's good ... I'm not hungry." Her voice low .

"You haven't eaten in two days." Cheyenne told her.

"How mom? How can I possibly eat knowing that in just two days, I will officially be saying goodbye to the love of my life." She slammed her fist down on the island.

"Ugh! This isn't fair! He has a daughter and what will they tell her?" Diya was upset so her mom wrapped her arms around her.

"I know baby. I know and I am so sorry. That young man really does love you and it was always a beautiful thing to see. I'm so happy I was there to witness when he finally told you. You got to love someone who truly loved you back. Baby although it feels you were cheated, you got to experience real love. Millions of people will never know that feeling." The more Cheyenne talked the more the tears poured from Diyas eyes.

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