Visitor in town

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Diya was at work when a beautiful girl walked in, maybe a couple years older than her.
She sat at the bar tapping her fingers on the counter, she came across jittery almost out of place.

"I will be right with you." Diya put a finger up, the girl smiled and nodded. Diya topped off a customers drink then walked over to the girl.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" Diya smiles.
The girl stared at Diya for a minute, like she was studying her.

"Are you indecisive? First time at a bar?" Diya broke the silence.

"Oh no. I'm sorry. Any suggestions, Di-ya?" The girl read Diyas name tag.

"Yes, that is correct and well, my personal favorite is 'Sex on the Beach' ." Diya suggests.

The girl smiled. "I'm familiar with that one, yes I would love one."

She started preparing the drink. "So, are you new in town or passing through? I've never seen you here." She tried to make conversation.

"Yes, just visiting a friend. My name is Selest by the way." Diya shook her hand.

"Selest? I like, it's different but in a good way." She  places a orange on the glass, dropped a straw inside and placed it on top of a holster.
"Here you go, one Sex on the beach."

"Well honey this looks delicious! Thank you. "Selest took a sip. "Mmm." She said while giving Diya the thumbs up.

"Girl...Tate is so annoying, but Im thankful he's volunteered to give me rides to work this week, since my car is in the shop. " Kim walked in and kissed Diya cheek.

"Hello Sweetie, I'm the lovely Kim. I hope Diya has been good to you and I hope you will return." Kim was setting herself up for her shift.

"Oh, she's been delightful." Selest smiles at Diya.

Kim made three of her famous shots. "You ladies care to join me?" Kim passed them both a shot glass.

"Kim at work, really? It's enough the owner hired us knowing I'm underage." Diya put her hand on her hip.

"Diya, please stop okay? Just let loose, have fun. Try not to embarrass me in front of a new, possibly promising regular." Kim gave her a pouty face.

Selest laughed watching the two of them banter.  "I will be glad to join you both." Selest picked up her glass.

"I like her, what a good sport." They both turned and looked at Diya awaiting her response.

"What the hell?" Diya gave in.

"Okay, to sister hood and lifting each other's crowns." Kim gave a speech.

"Sisterhood!" Selest and Diya repeated after Kim and they all tapped their glass on the counter and gulped them down.

"See, now I can get through this shift ." Kim inhaled deep and exhaled.

When a couple hours had passed, Diya's shift was finally over. She informed Kim that her and Ice weren't really communicating lately. She informed her she would probably stop by after work, in hopes to see Ivory, she missed her. Selest was still at the bar.

"Are you leaving?" She asked Diya.

"Yes, I have had enough of this place for one day. It was nice to meet you. If you are ever in town again don't hesitate to come see us." Diya pulled her keys from her purse.

Selest stood up, her face expressed a moment of uncertainty. "Can I have your number?" Selest asked as if she had been contemplating asking her for it all night.

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