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Ice was seated at the table inside the freezing prison. He watched other families and friends visiting their loved ones. Some people laughing, some crying, one lady slapped an inmate and was carried out by guards.

"Let go of me I can see myself out!" She spit at the inmate.

"You like the show?" Quakes stood before Ice.

He was about 6' 4, maybe weighing 230 pounds. Quakes was a big man, but then again he had always been. He once intimidated Ice but now he stood before him disguised as a man of honor, but hiding the heart of a snake.

He earned his name from the guys he use to punch so hard when he got into fights that people swore the ground would crumble beneath. They described it as an earthquake when they fell. His father had no tattoos but a scar across his face that started at his ear ending across his right jawline. His eyes were still a bit bruised from his incident. He groaned silently amidst sitting down.

Quakes rested his huge hands on the steel table, given himself a second to adjust to the pain. He smiled at Ice as if he was looking directly at a reflection of himself. Quakes was obviously a much bigger and older version. He had shaved all his hair off. Ice thought that he would have sympathy for this man, considering he did endure these injuries because of him. He instantly forfeited the thought. Quakes would receive any remorse from him.

"You good?" Ice broke the silence.

"Better now that you're here. I missed you son. Look at you, a grown man now, a dad. Your grandma sent me pictures of my beautiful granddaughter, she looks just like Haze."
Ice Looked away. His comment stung reminding Ice that Ivory did in fact favor his mom.

"Yeah she does, look Quakes are you good? I know this attack was because of me, but I want you to know I will handle it." Ice face was serious.

"Your name holds weight like that now? You the big man on campus?" Quakes snickered placing one hand on his side because of the pain. Ice straighten his shoulders, then shrugged.

"You don't have a clue what the hell you got yourself into making a deal with the devil." Quakes smile disappeared.

"Getting mixed up with the likings of Zeus and Milton? Are you trying to end up in here with me? Or worse, dead? You can't take care of nothing. You just now started using them lil things you call nuts, and you think because you have a couple dollars you a drug lord now?" Quakes laughed out loud, his face then turned back cold. Ice was becoming agitated with this man.

"You consider yourself one Quakes?" Ice challenged him leaning in closer.

"Watch yourself boy, you swimming in deep waters, you should abort mission." Quakes leaned in closer as well."

"It was a mistake to come here, how can a snitch give me advice about how to move? I been the one holding everything down. It's me taking care of grandma and myself since I was 13, when you got arrested for setting your own friend up. You belong in here to rot like the rest of these rats." Ice felt his head being pinned down on the table. For Quakes to be wounded was quick and strong . Ice gasped for air.

"You listen to me carefully, shit is not what you think, look deeper boy because you will find out that objects in mirrors really are closer than they appear. I'm no damn snitch and you ain't taking care of nothing..."

The guards started rushing over to the table. "Hey inmate remove your hands, remove your hands!"

"...I left you and my mom with 2 million dollars. You  never had to struggle and we was the ones who were doubled crossed by false friends and dirty cops. Cops who  murdered Big Mills and brought me in because it looked good on paper. If the dirty cop could bring down two of the biggest drug dealers in this town, imagine that paycheck and rewards he'd reap? I was on my way out, I was going to leave it all behind for Haze and you. I wanted to take you both and relocate, but I was framed!"

Ice felt the pressure easing up on his head. He saw the guards hit Quakes over the head with a flashlight knocking him out. Ice jumped up from the table breathing heavy. Quakes lay unconscious on the cold hard floor. Five guards dragging him through Heavy steel doors yelling over walkie talkies. 

This short muscular guard ordered that Ice leave forcing him out of the visiting area. Ice turned banging on the door because he wanted more answers. The guard screamed at him through the small glass window. His saliva spraying as he slammed his fist into the glass demanding Ice leave. Ice slammed his fist into his hand finally realizing he wasn't stepping foot back into the visiting area.

When he finally left the prison and returned to his car, he yelled wildly, hitting his steering wheel harshly. He was angry and confused all in one. Quakes was a liar plain in simple, this couldn't be the truth. If his grandma really had the missing money, everyone whispered in the streets that Quakes buried somewhere. Why wouldn't she share this information with him?
He saw a missed call that read Unknown. It was Zeus. Great what did he want?

Quakes says one of my favorite lines " look deeper boy because you will find out that objects in mirrors really are closer than they appear ."

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