" Cheated Victory"

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He took a deep breath before entering his son's hospital room. To his surprise the curtains were open, flowers, balloons and cards were everywhere. He saw a young woman, around his sons age sitting on the bed beside him. He had a feeling this was the Coleman's daughter, she resembled Cheyenne.

She turned and rested her eyes on Quakes and the corners of her mouth slowly turned up as she smiled . She was very beautiful and he could understand why his son was all about her. She quickly stepped down from the bed, closing the gap between them and hugging him. Quakes was thrown off for a second, but he hugged her back.

"Hey I'm," He was cut off.

" -Ices dad. I can tell, he is your twin!" Quakes laughed. " I'm Diya ."

"Nice to meet you. May I?" He asked for permission to get a closer look.

"Yes, go talk to him. I know he's tired of hearing me. I'm starving anyways, I will go grab some food." She gathered her keys and purse.

When she was almost to the door she turned around. "It's nice to finally me the artist behind the masterpiece." She then exited the room.

Quakes stood over his sons body and he was so still he appeared dead. Quakes fought back the tears, he hated seeing his son stretched out in this bed.

"Son I'm here, our plan worked. They had to free me. Though, it seems like a cheated victory, with you not awake to celebrate." He dropped his head.

"Your girlfriend seems nice," He rubbed the back of his neck trying to distract himself from falling apart.

"Ivory is such a little lady, you and ma are doing a great job raising her. I'm proud of you." He continued to search for words but he could hear his voice cracking.

He sat down in the chair beside the bed scooting it close to Ice's bed. " Listen boy, you need to wake up. If you don't, what was the point of me being freed? I wanted to come home and try to get back those years ... those years I lost and that's what I'm going to do. So come on, stop playing around now." Quakes begged, the tears now flowing with no chance of stopping.

He stared at Ice face and there was no movement . He held his hand and laid his head on his bed . " I love you son."


Cheyenne was sitting at her vanity mirror applying her makeup, for tonight's dinner.
Coby kissed the top of her head, as she smiled at him in the mirror. She smelled like Chanel perfume. The new ring he bought her shined bright and adorned her hand perfectly. He could point out every detail of his beautiful wife's body and not miss a thing.

" I had that one suit that I love, dry cleaned and it's hanging up with the shoes to match. I see you were able to get your haircut, you look damn good. I hope I will be able to keep my hands to myself ." Cheyenne flirted.

She was now standing up, making her way to the bed where he was seated. She climbed on top of his lap, her lace robe fell open exposing her thighs. No! He needed to focus, how could he make love to her, knowing what he knew?

" How was the gym?" She hugged his neck.

He should tell her right now, this is his opportunity. Instead he said. "Good, it was a much needed workout ." He answered .

"Nothing worth talking about?" She was now touching his hair.

"No, nothing." He lied.

"Hmm, well Amanda and Josh will be meeting us at the restaurant in the next hour. I'd say we have about 15 minutes," She nibbles on his ear.

Coby felt his manhood tingle. He could not deny that his wife was in fact the sexiest woman on the planet. She so effortlessly turned him on. He couldn't. She was now rocking her hips slowly back and forth, he groaned. He had to stop this, but he did want her. Especially after what he found out today, he needed this.

"Come on baby doesn't it feel good?" She was almost whispering now in her sultry voice.

"Chey," The phone rung making Cheyenne jump and rescuing him from an impossible situation.

Cheyenne laughed as she fell on the bed. "Whew! That scared the hell out of me. We should probably just continue later." He agreed with that.

When Coby checked his phone there was a missed call from an unknown number. Then a text came in .


He knew it was Shelia , she must have gotten a new number. She found this amusing. He never took her for the immature type. Well, at least around him she presented herself as a woman. He quickly deleted the message and missed call. Shelia knew she had him right where she wanted him and this made him sweat. 

What is Coby going to do 😫😫😫

Should he just go ahead and tell her ???

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