"Him instead"

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When Ice pulled up to his grandma house she wasn't there . So he called her , but she didn't answer. Ice couldn't believe a word out of that low life's mouth . Quakes was a fraud and even lower than dirt , a nobody. He would do anything to make himself credible, even go so far as to lie on his own mother . He expected Ice to believe Irma Joe had 2 million dollars stashed away somewhere ?Someone else set him and Milton's dad up ? He was just innocent huh?

Ice decided to text Diya .
Ice: *You busy?
Diya: *No
Ice: *I need you ...
Diya: *Are you home ?
Ice : *No but meet me at the river I need a place where I can think clearly ...
Diya : *okay I'm on the way.

Diya was already at the river when Ice arrived. She was sitting on the rocks staring out into the water . She turned when she heard him standing behind her . Diya jumped up and threw her arms around him. Ice squeezed her tight .

"Tell me what happened?" She whispered in his ear .

"I went to see the bastard." Ice voice cracked.

"And?" Diya pulled away from Ice and cupped his face. Ice looked away.

"He started dropping all these bombs on me filled with info I wasn't prepared for. He said shit about my grandma being loaded and Milton's dad and him being set him up, and then he... he."

Ice was standing far away from Diya now balling his fist. Ice was in rage still.

"He put his hands on me! This fool must not know who I am? Nobody puts there hands on me EVER! I HATE HIM! Why did it have to be my mom, you should of took him instead!" Ice screamed out into the distance as if God himself would respond.

Diya was now in tears. She only had ever saw Ice this hurt one other time in her life and it broke her heart all over again. She came from behind him and hugged him. He fell to his knees and she went down with him. He was vulnerable, broken and he needed encouragement. He needed hope.

"I'm so sorry Ice. I'm so sorry and I don't have the answers for that. I do know God doesn't make mistakes and your mom loved you... and  it would kill her to see you in pain like this. You have a purpose. I know that in this very moment... it may not seem to make sense or seem fair, but you will get through this. I love you so much and we can stay like this as long as you need."  Ice dropped his head.

"I love you too.  She walked over to the front of him and kneeled down wrapping her arms around his neck, he pulled her close holding her waist.

They were both now sitting on the rocks skipping smaller rocks across the water .

"You know, when she first got sick in front of me... I was young. I was scared and I hate myself for that. How could I have been scared of my mom? I saw her cough up blood and my dad cried and she reached for me and I ran."

Diya squeezes his shoulder so he would look at her .  "Shut Up Ice, you were a child. You saw blood, you saw your parents crying, you were allowed to be afraid and it's not guilt that you should carry around. Your mom wouldn't want that for you ."

He pulled her back into him . "I know, thank you." She smiled.

"I will always be here." They stared into one another's eyes . They both leaned in closer, but Ice just pressed his forehead against hers.

" Me too." He whispered.

This ⬆️🥰

Do you all have a friend of the opposite sex who is like these two ?

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