" saving it for Ice"

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Diya wiped down the tables at Aunt Faye's restaurant. "Alright you two love birds, Kevin and I are heading out for tonight. I trust that you two can close up?" She stood with her hands on her hips . Milly came from behind the counter.

"Yes auntie, we got it." Milly assured her.

"No making out where people eat please." Kevin stood by his mom and Milton did playful uppercuts towards his rib cage.

" Alright Diya , make sure he mops inside that freezer, he never remembers and take the trash out by the back door ."

" I will, you have a good night ." Auntie Faye hugged Diya. Kevin joined her and they both walked out of the front door.

Milton grabbed Diyas hand and lead her towards the back into his aunties office . He picked her up and set her on the desk and she giggled .

"What are you doing?" He stepped in between her legs. When he was inches from her face he kissed her softly then he moved his mouth to her neck leaving trails of kisses .

"I want you Diya ." He said between kisses . She could feel her body get hotter .

Milton removed Diyas jacket and her breast set up in her black tank top. His lips brushed gently across the top of her breast .
Diya places both hands on the desk for support .

" You do?" She managed to reply.

He tugged at the bottom of her tank top and she got the hint and started to take it off, Milton assisted her . Diya was now shirtless . He paused for a second making her blush and cross her arms around herself, attempting to cover herself. He pulled her arms apart .

" I want to see everything." He crashes his lips into hers and wrapped one arm around her waist leaning into her . He motioned for her to lay down on the desk clearing everything in their way .

Diya opened her eyes to look at him , but she saw Ice face and pushed him off .

"Wait no I can't do this." She was confused.

He pulled at her arm
"Yes you can, don't be nervous, I will walk you through it." He tried forcing her back on the desk, she fought him off.

"No! I said stop." Milly let go of her .

"Okay damn." He handed her all of her things. "Let me guess, Ice?" He leans on the desk while she put her shirt and jacket back on .

" Will you take me home now please?" She asked her voice starting to crack .

He laughed. " Naw." He answered and she gave him a shocked look.

" Seriously, I want to go home."

"And I want to fuck, we can't always get what we want now can we?" His words stung. Milton stood up closing the gap between them. Diya flinched.

"Oh you scared of me now? Come on Diya, don't be rude, you owe me that."
Milton brushed his fingers across her private and she stepped back .

"Virgins." He shook his head . " Always wanting you to do all this special shit, take them out multiple times, spend your money. I let you meet my family, hell I even got a black eye and busted lip for you. Still not enough huh? You saving it for Ice I bet, and what makes you think he not only after one thing also?"

Tears were forming in her eyes . " Why are you doing this?" The tears were falling now.

" Because I hate Ice and I knew if I hurt you then it would hurt him. Diya don't ever flatter yourself baby. I was going to toss you like thanksgiving dinner, after being in the refrigerator for to long. It's clear I'm never going to hit. So bounce, find your own way home. It's about a forty minute car ride I suggest you get to walking, you'll be there in a few hours on foot." He brushed past her almost knocking her down.

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