Doubted You

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Quakes stood beside Smith and a few other guys, when Ice entered the homemade gym they worked out at.

"There's my boy!" Quakes reached for a hug but was rejected.

"You let this man get close to Diya and if something would of happened to her mannnn... I could have never forgiven you. How is it you have your men  watching but he's able to snatch my girl?" Ice nostrils flared.

"Look, just take a deep breath Emire...I know you upset and you have every reason to be... and that's on me. The guy who was suppose to be watching him at that particular time left the location for 30 minutes. He allowed Zeus to leave within those minutes, without anyone knowing. He has been dealt with, like I said that's on me." Quakes spoke calmly accepting accountability.

"Why you won't just get this over with? You don't need some grade A, mission impossible plan. You got his location, you have a crew and the weapons, so go end it." Ice wasn't calming down.

"Son, Zeus is not going to just let allow us to walk in there and get him. You better believe he's ready for us and I'm not sacrificing any of these men by acting on rage." Quakes told him.

"How will you do it then?" Ice asked and Quakes smiled.

"By letting him come to me." Quakes lifted his hands.

"You said he's not stupid?" Ice scrunched up his face.

"No, but he'll be desperate after knowing we've found out that there is something he loves more than money and power after all." Quakes smiled at Smith.

"What's that?" Ice was curious.

"Zeus has a wife and twin boys in Mexico and he was paying top dollar to keep it a secret but we offered someone a little bit more." Quakes pulled out pictures and handed it to Ice.

"Wait, is this man like two different people? How the hell can he be doing all this and have a whole family in Mexico?" Ice looked over the picture.

"We got a couple people camping close to his house in Mexico." Quakes started talking.

"Wait, we not hurting no innocent people," Ice cut him off.

"Son I'm not a mad man, but I will make that fool believe I am. The men are going to bring his wife and sons here and when he receives the phone call from his wife," Quakes looked over at Smith who snickered.

"Well you know how it will play out, we will have him right where we want him." Quakes took the photos back from Quakes.

"Aight dad, I guess you really do have everything under control. I'm sorry I doubted you... it was just Diya showed up to my place shaking so bad, I was more scared for her than anything." Ice apologized.

"I know you love that girl, look yah old man get it." They both laughed and dapped .

"You ready for this workout?" Ice dropped was switching out the weights on the bar.

Diya hoped her mom wouldn't notice her walk was a bit off today, but she couldn't help it. She was a fool to think she could go so many rounds with it being her first time. Now her body was paying the full price. It was everything she had imagined it would be and with who she imagined. He was so careful with her body, catering to every single inch and never rushing. She couldn't help but randomly smile thinking about his lips all over her, his hands, his eyes. Ugh his eyes!

"Diya are you okay?" Diya was shocked to find Selest in the living room. They ran and hugged one another.

"Hey, I didn't know you were in town." Diya hugged her again.

"Mmm Hmm, I was blowing your phone up last night and this morning. I guess you were busy." Selest  looked her up and down.

Diya straightened her clothes. "What?" She asked.

"You got some D didn't you?" Celest squinted her eyes.

"What! Celest girl." Diya sat down on the couch.

"Oooh....Ice finally made you a woman, girl get ready to become a psycho." Selest joined her on the couch.

"Why you say that?" Diya asked.

"Well, you right, that only happens if it's good D. So, was it good? Meaning size wise, stroke game and did he bring you to climax?" Celest turned to her.

Diya closed her eyes embarrassed to discuss to this. "Yes...yes... yes to all three."
Selest screamed stumping her feet .

"Oh, Diya then you about to cut up honey, I'm surprised you came home." Selest teased.

"I only came for clothes ."She admitted .

"See! Oh you was already in love, but now you sprung." She was laughing.

"Whatever, shut up." Diya threw a couch pillow at her .

Selest was holding her stomach." I'm sorry sis but this just made my day, love you." They both formed a heart with their fingers holding it to their chest .

"What did Kim say?" Selest asked.

Diya was looking down now as she shrugged.

"Oh, I have got to be there when you tell her... she's going to be so upset you told me first." Selest noticed Diya wasn't laughing .

"Are you two fighting?" Selest rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I may have been a little to harsh yesterday and now she probably hates me." Diya slouched down on the couch.

"Unless you sleep with her ex or something, I doubt Kim would ever hate her sister from another mister. You two are a friendship made in heaven and you can't let that go over some stupid words. So, whenever you're done feeling sorry for yourself, suck it up and go call my white friend. She probably depressed sitting at home, eating ice cream, binge watching Gilmore girls, or Vampire Diaries. Whatever it is they do." Selest and Diya laughed.

"Thank you Selest, I'm lucky to have you." Diya hugged her .

"So, the real reason why I am here," Selest has Diya's full attention.

"Your grandma Patricia called me and begged me to let her explain, because she said you and mom had blocked her number. I never had her number, so of course I answered. So, after apologizing for what seemed like hours she announced that she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer." Selest spoke low.

Diya was in shock, she felt sad, hate and empty all in one. She did still love her grandmother, no matter how much she tried to hate her for destroying her family. Her grandmother always did right by her and it was only human nature to feel something.

"Oh God, have you told mom?" Diya worried bringing her hand to her forehead.

"No, I was waiting for her to get home, but I was thinking we could tell her together." Diya and Selest were now holding hands.

"I know she ruined your life, but she was always loving towards me Selest and I'm sorry." Diya felt guilty for crying.

"No Diya, listen, my feelings towards her should not make you feel like you can't be sad about your grandmother." Selest pulled her in for a tight hug as she finally broke down .

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