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Cheyenne pounded on Briggs door non stop.
"I'm coming wait a minute, damn!"

When he opened the door Cheyenne stood there in a cardigan, jeans, with a spaghetti strap shirt and wedges. Her hair was all over her head.

"What a surprise," He said as she pushed past him.

"Okay," He looked around outside before closing the door .

He followed behind her as she marched straight into his room and climbed into his bed. Briggs stood at the door.

"Cheyenne, what are you doing here?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"I can't go home. I already know he has informed you of my step child." Cheyenne laughed sadly.

"Oh that." Briggs sat down on the bed.

"Yes that. You couldn't even tell me anything?" She sat up.

"Cheyenne, that's not my place. You both are my friends, but my loyalty is with Ice. He is my brother." Briggs told her .

She giggled. " That night we made love, where was your loyalty then?" Cheyenne stared him down as he looked away.

"It was a mistake." He spoke as if he regretted it.

She got on her hands and knees and climbed over to him.

"So, what about the time after and so far and so on?" She kissed his neck.

"You were hurting and I comforted you." He tried to make sense of his decision. Pushing her off him.

"I'm hurting right now." Cheyenne rest on her elbows, laying back on his bed.

"We need some self control." Briggs tried fighting.

"Control how you make me cum." She licked her lips.

"No...we said we wouldn't." He shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder if I chose the wrong man and I'm reminded every moment of my life. Maybe, you would have never broke me the way he has." Cheyenne touched his lips m, she was now standing in front of him.

"This is going to cost me my friendship and quite possibly my career. Cheyenne Coleman I loved you since the day I saw you. I just was never as brave as Coby and he got the girl." Coby kissed her.

" He got the girl, but he didn't appreciate me." She smiled.

"This will never work, and it's not suppose to, we are acting out your broken heart and my desperation." He be Gam to undress her." He reached for a condom, but she stopped him.

"I don't care anymore." Cheyenne told him. He put the condom down. "Okay." He replied.



Diya assisted Ice out of her car and into the apartment. She had redecorated everything for him and he looked around in awe .

"You've been busy." He took a seat on the couch looking around the house.

"I had a lot of time on my hand." She admitted.

"I see and I like it." He smiled at her.

"Okay, so I need to run to the store and grab a few things. Kim and Tate should be here within the next couple hours. You remember he's picking her up from the airport and their coming over for dinner." She reminded him.

"Yeah, he was on the phone with me all night last night. I can't wait to see him, but why Tate picking Kim up? They cool now?" Ice kicked his feet up on the coffee table.

"I really haven't talked with Kim much and I feel awful about that. Truth is, with everything that was going on with you I just shutdown. I was a terrible friend and I'm surprised she's even agreed to come tonight. I guess Tate is just there in my absence." She shrugged .

"Diya, people shutdown during life changing tragedies. Kim will get it. I would of thought Skooly would of scooped her up from the airport instead of Tate. It's all good. I'm just ready to see them both." He reached out his hand for her to come sit in his lap.

"You don't have to rush." He slid his hand up her shirt squeezing her belly. She jumped at his cold fingers. He pulled her lips into his, his hand went further up cupping her breast.

Diya could feel her breathing picking up. " I need to go shopping Ice." He pulled away.
"Hurry back." He kissed her cheek and turned on the T.V.


Briggs sat in Coby's office, listening to him vent about possibly losing Cheyenne forever this time. Briggs ran his fingers across his lips, reminiscing on how just hours ago, his lips were pleasing the woman his best friend was stressing over. They went rounds and rounds, he had to wash his sheets twice. He loved Coby and never in a million years would ever think of crossing his friend, but he did.

Coby was given his chance with her and he didn't appreciate it. It wasn't when everything was great between them, but after Coby stepped out first. Still, Cheyenne would just come over and share her feelings, then she would fall asleep in the guest room. Eventually, she would fall asleep in his room and one thing led to another. They both confessed their feelings and the sex began.

The nights Coby would spend away with Shelia Cheyenne would be in Briggs bed. He wanted Coby and Cheyenne to work. Although, now with the new information about the baby, maybe his friend didn't deserve her. He held her in his arms last night and it felt so perfect. It felt natural. He wanted that feeling forever. He also wanted his friendship. He couldn't have both.

"Briggs, did you hear anything I said?" Coby interrupted his thoughts.

"What was the last thing?" Briggs asked.

"She was out all night and morning. I think she checked into a hotel or something. I can't believe Shelia didn't give me the opportunity to tell her myself. Everything is ruined once again. This time I don't know." Coby rambled on.

"Look man, it's an unfortunate situation but we have to close on this new house for that family in Hollywood Florida. Give her space, but in the mean time focus on work." Briggs told him.

"And Shelia?" Coby asked for help .

"You may just need to agree to attend doctor appointments and start buying baby stuff. Just be clear there is no relationship but you will be there for your son." Briggs advised.

"Thanks man. I can always count on you. Real friends are rare." Coby started typing on his keyboard.

Briggs set down frozen in his seat . Coby would have never said that if he'd known just hours ago his wife was bent over in his bed. What was he going to do? He was in love with his best friends wife .

The drama continues 👀👀👀

Briggs 🥶🥶🥶🥶

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